Monday, August 11, 2008

some august afternoon

some august afternoon
the great ember rolled
into evenings ensuing blanket
that flanks the sky's end, west
casting shadows in my lemonade
nodding the okay for a light wind
to bring on the cut-grass scent
three or four crickets
rabbits, squirrels and a toad
a pale white moon
blackening trees
star one, two, three
then countless
and the sound of partially melted
ice cubes knocking
as i tip my glass
to the night


TomC said...

Well done elder Dude. I could hear the ice tinkling and I was reminded of similar evenings past.

jack sender said...

I posted the brain game for everyone who goes around hearing ice tinkling in their heads.
My first try I scored a 70 year old brain, then I reread the directions.

Every Photo Tells A Story said...

Hi Jack: Will you please contact me regarding this poem? Thank you.

jack sender said...

Dear every photo tells a story,

regarding your words:
this is a week shy of a year after your comment,
i don't know who you are
and i can't find you.

regards. i tried.
jack s.