Saturday, July 29, 2023

Raw grilled booms


Heavy thunder for two hours

While I slept and missed it.

Young bunny sat out this morning,

Must have wondered why it thundered.

What was going on?

Explosions in the sky.

Have to learn to read to understand?

Bunnies eat, sleep, run … and breed.

A lot of noise in a thunder rumble.

There is comfort when you’re wrapped in bed.

When you’re a year old wild rabbit

Living outside it may be tougher the first time.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Solid dream nearly


Kept me rolling all night okay

Without a pause in the chatter. It keeps rolling.

Poco summer flurries. Bushes turning.

maybe partially wind drivin’ I’d say.

Good glory to all.

I’ll greet you.

Hurrah. nice shoes.

Get along now. Keep moving.

Up with the morning sun.

Straight into work that’s begun.

After a morning coffee of course 

and toast while I’m at it.

Whip up to speed.

It’s what we need.

A lot of turmoil.

And mouths to feed.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

New little & Old little


Paling up. 

We’re seeing them together.

While in the warm they’re talking superlatives.

We’re Comfortable to indoor doings.

A bashful movement of The leaves on the bushes.

all else is silent.

High fine thin in the blue above.

Why not Pie and ice cream me.

My rules have been stretched.

Oregano for all who choose.

Mic jagger has turned eighty.

Easy come easy go.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Record heat expected


Heated to the gills

Took Providence the light cruiser to Hawaii from San Diego.

Had a picnic with the crew on the fantail

The ship photographer worked with me

Shit my friend and me looking by the crew

 fifty hands on deck.

I should pull out that photo,

Value it for the time it was.

Now many years, fifty, later.

The time at sea with the navy.

Poems written on sunny days.

The smell of the sea.


Stretched out blue.

Comes home to me.

It sure do

Yes, it do.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023



Duck worthy. Started this morning with several

Ducks in the long away backyard.

This is wrong; blue jays back and forth 

Around the feeder. Ml’s idea / action.

Chipmunks and squirrels plus Little in the center.

A backyard packed in action.

i’ll have brown sugar on toast.

it’s M’s fresh loaf - delicious.

Winding through the final week of July.

The hottest days of the year.

Means 90s and humid around here.

This house is well constructed, always comfortable.

High thin overhead.

Mid-morning  and still, no one out.

Breeze in the bushes,

Leaves turn their faces.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Summer crowd


Saturday night at the islands.

Twenty thousand revelers seemed plenty.

I read that during the war of 1812 

The canons at Put-in Bay could be heard in Huron.

Not especially a long distance

For booms and flashing 

across a quiet flat lake during a still evening.

Oliver Hazard Perry lives in his proclamation:

We have met the enemy and they are ours.

I heard of this battle when I was in grade school.

Now two hundred years have passed.

The echoes of that war have reverberated.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Soup homedone


Naturally this is homemade soup today.

We’ll,  well.  We’ll explain it all.

It’s still summer.

Haven’t hit the fall.

home done soup is close

to the most

stop for a toast

Watch for bones.