Friday, December 06, 2024

White days

bunny tracks cover the yard, easy to see, not that hard. scarcely a blemish to be found. of course rabbits hardly make a sound.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Pompeii on tv

snow and Rome in very cold weather. 

 here is cold, not Rome two thousand years ago. 

 been waiting winter, heard today it isn't officially here yet. 

 how much else do you need?

 i think we're set. 

 i'll think on this. 

geese - the significant

when driving in a dream there is
no need to signal, yet i cordially wave and smile.
traffic heavy melts together on the road,
shut my eyes and nod off into a cat nap.

in a splash, came to wakeful senses
i did in a crowd. horns honking.
waved back, had the change,
paid the toll. told myself i could finish

this dream, in an hour, if i rush.
hit the gas, checked the time
and then realized an hour had already passed.
time flies, you know, some say, they’re right, some time.

took another bite of sandwich,
chewed slowly while i wondered
where i got it and how to hold it
with two hands while driving?

seemed mayonnaise enough to me ,
i smiled at the hearty bread, tasty as reality,
with long green salty seeds in it,
and the tomato slipping out.

aware that all the red was taillights
all the honking were wild geese
making restful music as i
closed my eyes to finish dreaming.

thinking the one last conscious thought,
that i like geese, i really do.
never met one though to get to know,
i’d surly like to



Sunday, December 01, 2024

Too tight

tv camera shots are too tight. duck your head. smooth your hair out. lineup, Andy relax ... be real take your time. here's the deal ... easily said