Saturday, June 29, 2024

Falling apart

a rough time keeping together. somehow it is functioning. my poetry blog has some spirit we're half together. thank good luck for drifting by.

This day begins

wrapped and shower clean the summer week unfolding. a salute to you hello. pardon me saying sunnshine is what we're waiting.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The great debate

The telling moment occurred when Joe amd Don yelled and challanged each other to golf.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

See how Wellington is faring

taking it easy drivibg there. going out for breakfast. been there may times before; things change! no telling what we'll find. roads are dry. a hop away. for me it was downhill. meri took it okay. time changes things. we had one guy at a table behind us. always previously the place was packed. we'll see how we fell next time about Dimitri's when we feel like driving to Wellington.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Drops sparkle

recovering to set aside storm residue. occasional vehicles, no foot trafic. sky is blue yet large clouds hang rolling in front of the sun.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Night rain

cooled the evening. didn't slow the deer. all are hidden by time of morning light. tracks are everywhere.