Thursday, October 20, 2022

the winterberry


the winterberry is out

so are the robins 

working hard to eat all they can

before flying South 

or so, then to return in the winter.

i am not a bird charter,

only reporting what i think

will be. i have read the red

winterberry fruit is a favorite of robins.

already they  have nearly cleaned

the bushes of berrys

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Final guardian game 2022

 Against the Yankees, first inning.

Three to nothing. There are fans who 

haven’t had their first beer and

their team is wrapping the season

before they can sit down.

Want to talk football instead?

i’ll do what fifty thousand other fans 

will do - hang on.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Seventeenth is a Monday

 What do you say, feeling okay.

Arbitrary.  Out of the way.

Monday’s usually, seems to

 be followed by another day.

Great answers are not

Always found each time

You look, you see. Often

The good line occurs to me 

During the evening and 

I don’t write it down;

So you know where it ends up.


 Silence is comfortable as a soft

cloth covering a table.

The prelude to winter.