Saturday, April 04, 2020

tighten up some

 glide when you can.
you're on a solid, smooth foundation.
the sun will guide you.
 toast and coffee breakfast;
how lucky i am she can make bread.
i know one time i had really good tea somewhere.
special tea, i 'm not sure where.
it could have been in Morocco.
that was an extraordinary location ... overflowing
with exotic flavors and a late afternoon nearly violet sky.
now i'll see what develops here
under our current altered conditions.

Friday, April 03, 2020

I've got a pad so i'll make a note

should've written Sal  as a name for the mule.
seems a popular name, and now
two hundred years later, well beyond the song workmen sang walking a boat
alongside the Erie Canal
why not again. yeah, why not again.
have an imaginary boat on the canal again.
and why not, Ohio is where this is,
And Spring has just opened up.
the ducks are loose.
other critters are out running. There goes a robin.
we're all glad about the
weather ... as fine as can be.

 the river is wide and wild,
moving with power.
independent as the weather
expect the season to hold on the good side for a while.
blue sky scattered light clouds.
We could camp along the river again.
regarding another matter, I figure
roasted corn on the cob is several months away;
no need to hurry anything,

this is to be a spell of joyful time.
 so then, work well.
wash your shirts and hang them outside on a line to dry.
they'll flap and snap in the breeze.
and you take a day at a time
 know they're like no other

these days are the absolute best as can be made.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020


I appear before you
As the author of last years moving
You gonna na eat that cookie. 
my wife told me
to write something heartfelt.
here it is.
here is something heartfelt.

looking out the window i see
squirrels picking up nuts.

every day they do this,
keep going.
looking, finding, picking, stuffing
it in their mouth and chewing.

no partners, no pals, no police ... looking,
finding, chewing.

Katie, in the key of life, please.

Why it's the squirrel's life for me.
no TV, no shopping,
no gas, no toilet paper,
and, uh ...
sleeping in a tree ...
it's the squirrels life for me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Stay alert

you stay fine

keep inline.

be mindful and be safe.
situations can become problematic. 
along the path you may encounter
upstream bottlenecks that need to be addressed.

evaluate to see if you need assistance
and should join asylum seekers.

walk tall.

Monday, March 30, 2020

,,how baking ought to

a space special, clean and neat;
 put away this and that where each belong.
an old stiff, red tablecloth her mother used.
the kitchen well organized.

now what we plan you
can bake these at home.
where kitchen supplies are handy.
and the recipe.
you need the accoutrements,
spoons, bowls ... of course, sugar

a sunny window is good
plus the cooker who bakes.
being cookies are done that way.

she can do baking just fine. add the ingredients,
stir and roll them out.
put them on the pan, pop them in the hot oven.
i don't have to tell everything.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Look at the new of you reading here. Welcome. Now I'll continue.

new sunday

America and the rest of the world
- i have to include it all -
begin a calender new, or program,
new way to go, how it is used,
formed, composed,
unlike before we should
recognize the change.
have a parade in inaugural.
we'll prepare for next time.
i can see large helium-filled balloons.

already, setting the day aside this way
turns us to celebration.
hooray. we're doing well.
this is still a Sunday, so far,
so that is good, we recognize the day.

how we fill the day is up to us.
special food would be good.
a particular cake, pie, sandwich.
candles, colors, animals, decorations.
or we could begin slowly
and see what develops.