Friday, July 17, 2020

rain louder than the train

rain louder than the train.
harvest moon, so soon it seems,
though it's been a year;

this night i stayed in bed, didn't open the curtain to look.
then a brilliant flash at three
and i counted the seconds, nine, ten, eleven...rumble.
again a flash - i counted to nine that time.
nine miles away.

i imagine the storm diminished
as i slept again
until rolling thunder when i woke at six.
left to right, across the sky.
and the rain was louder than the train...two trains around seven.
rain pouring hard on and off this morning.

This night i count as one i slept well,
wrapped in good thought and dream.
how about'd it seem?

(The Harvest moon occurs in September or October, but I put it into today's poem.
Oh, I like those train whistles.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

this Wednes day

Cooking warm today.
sticky already, before noon.
hot day underway,,
talk of cooking,
don't heat the kitchen. not today.

you have air cooling? crank it on.
or windows open and a fan,
that will do, well. a fan helps, windows won't.

I'm happy just because.
The heat won't knock my Wednesday out of whack.
i can take it. are you onboard?
Charge into what's coming this day.
the mailbox is empty. i rattled it.  Wait, i just heard a train going by.
That is a pleasure. Makes my day. Let me hear those whistles blow.
One for Old Lonesome, Piute Jerry,  Cutter Bill, and one for me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

edge note

Microsoft Edge has invited itself into my computer.
i am supposed to care as large companies battle.
how did i get involved?  i have no uniform.
"Good morning, Jack, Where is your logo?"

i recently gained eight pounds; lost two yesterday.
i'm on my way back.
sunshine today, warm tomorrow.
partially warm enough now.

note this, Sunshine,
i'd have pancakes with you
if i wasn't planning on losing
another two pounds today like yesterday.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


maintain food
grow it, store it, beans, rice.
flour, salt, sugar, canned food.
write it down.
make notes to see how it's going.
walking outside to see what's growing.
i'm out there
before noon when it is cool.
hear the birds, good signals.
all is well this morning.
a berry pie is just a thought,
not ready for it now, thinking ahead.
the birds seem more organized than people.
they don't bake, they eat berries off the trees.
virus is in the news. spreading.
no answers yet from anyone.
i see few people out,
a few walking their dogs.
at the market some wear masks.
what is happening, where is this going?