Saturday, December 25, 2021

Warming up outside

you still need a coat

but it is near spring temps. 

scratch that. baby, it's cold outside.

what do you know. i'll stay in and

 sip my coffee. Old news.

 To wake this morning was easy.

we heard pounding drops of rain 

On the roof this a.m.

sounded , heavy,  persistent. 

 now a weekend of football on TV.

A couple of degrees over freezing.

well i can talk about it.

 Cleveland lost a game.

my sweet daughter called. so did Dona.

now it is still out. 

I'm going to walk up the drive. 

 Eighty feet up then turn around. 

 Exercise hey. Good for ya.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

christmas does have ways

 it shakes down on  all of us

in smoke and candles, music, colors, candy;

 family and friends. celebrate the best you can.

in your mind and all together.


words we've hurled in good intention 

for the rest of us, all the best to us. 

let us mention  ... around snowflakes and in hymns -

bring joy to the world.

Sunday, December 19, 2021


 scratching down a few words,  

 a warm day could be savored.

 toast and coffee favored.

arrows for my quiver.

 fish come up the river

  seagulls flying over ...

shake it off and wait a while.

something will come by, make me smile.