Saturday, June 02, 2018

i thought we were pals

the parent robins returned
fed their young worms about noon.
didn't know me or my whistle
from dee man in dah moon

Thursday, May 31, 2018


Final two robins launch today.
one hops through sweet woodruff
other half way up small dogwood
Mother and father sweep in to protect


stuck under a bureau drawer
her father's report card from '34.
this brings the question
how much to collect?

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


going on vacation,
not staying at home; rocket out.
leaving, far from winter,
side-step away from the usual.
can be done most anywhere
wake up, relax, go back to sleep.
soak it in, refresh yourself

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

what robin did

watched robin land on a wobbly wire.
if i could fly i'd do that.
my neurologist doubts i'd accomplish
the rest of what the robin did:
jump 180 degrees and land
facing the other direction.
i said, don't bet on it,
when you're hot
you're hot.