Saturday, November 12, 2022

Drop in numbers, signifying atmospheric temperature

How can weather folk think way ahead?

 Talk a week afore a certain weather happens.

This  makes everything derivable. 

 Now I pause and lost my intention.

That shows you the worrysomness of writing some.

And it’s poetic cause it rhymes a crumb, chum.

Are we back on target? What say you?

Perhaps this would work better next week.

Friday, November 11, 2022

so then they flip


Earth's magnetic poles flip every 200,000 years.

We have somebody out there marking it all down.

The poles haven't flipped for 800,000 years as of last

 Wednesday. “Wednesday here a week” is how we say it.

moreover, they are long overdue. “They” being the poles

Keeping you in full fledge, we are.

Oh, pass the pancake syrup, quickly . . .  so i can pancake 

down before any flipping gets underway.

Same error or so and successfull

 i go to bed with my radio

to hear jazz midnight to six.

Wolves f m  wCLV clevelandia.

Spellcheck- what is wolves?  Radio w c l v

For over sixty years I have gone

to bed with earphones and my transistor radio.

Have me checked for something.

What i also need is a pen and paper

so the good phrases quit floating away

Or should I just close my window?

Close your mouth.

Like the Dickens it’s raining this morning.

A good looking day, where unlike the flooded south.

we have sufficient  elevation for safety,

and apparently can take flood water rains.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Worn is how the day begins

 Cleveland again. Traffic should be light.

Fridays are always heavy; that’s tomorrow.

When Cathy was here we ate lunch downtown,

Wonderful.  Keep saying we’ll do it again.

Coming in this morning 

Tried the radio,  can’t agree on a station.

Usually we never listen to the radio.

We’re way out of practice.

Read about the Sequoia giants in California.

Cresent City.  years ago we were there.

Pleasant to return to California memories.

Packed a sandwich and half an avocado for

On the way home.  I’m going home.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


 Not completely, but working on it.

Bareness is a thought; yow.

See through the trees, beyond them blue skyness.

hello sunshine. It's a lovely day.


 moderate: breeze, humidity and temperature.

 in-the-middle of an average day, i'd say.

Then i went out to the sun.

lovely. summer on the run.

The date’s unknown when I scribed this poem 

in 22; close enough, that'll do.

I’m 139/83 blood pressure with a temp  96.1  the

nurse poked my butt left and right.

Now I wait an hour

Then flower on home.

Then power on home.

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Sounds eleven by the clock

Time set back an hour today.

There is order all around.

Have to give hours a number

Make the rules

then change them.

The world is getting crowded.

Take your time.