Saturday, September 16, 2023

We need some bus lines


Getting to different parts of the city.

Want to be mobile.

No parking problem.

See it all.

Take a ride to your favorite ice cream.

Get the monthly passes.

Out of town spots?

Search and find.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Taking care


Up then around watching out for what’s about.

Where is the best - where to go?

Keep the pavement level ahead.

Easy does it. Steady now.

Wispy white like powder .

All the rest is said.

Iron whistle louder

Keep it in your head.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Rain and cool


Sprinkles, only a few.

The surprise of morning rain is welcome.

It feels like September, the way it should.

No breeze. All is still.

What we have is quiet again.

We had Little our rabbit out there.

Rain again more forceful.

Leaves are ringing.

Few  cars, no walkers.

Have my book out,

Day is stretching 

Keeping in balance.

Sky is dim, full of clouds.

A break from heavy sun.

Think of coffee and

How about cheesecake. A statement not a question.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Easy in, out forever


He looked fine in the interview before the game.

Four quick snaps later

The season is now over.

It always is quick when looking back.

AskWyatt Earp and the rest of us.

Yeah we’re included in the pack.

At least we have blue water

to remember, oh yes we surely do.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Football season again


The announcer said

The ball was slightly overthrown.

In another view the receiver

Didn’t quite run far enough.

The games have begun 

And I ran out of steam

After one game.

Wait and see what happens 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Turn up


Yesterday afternoon they both turned up.

The Two rabbits previously missing

Turned themselves in.

What a surprise.