not really cold,
it's nearly wonderful.
in fact yesterday morning
we worked outside;
then in the afternoon,
after a bowl of rice from Kim's,
we did more clean-up work outside.
well, yeah, i played a while on the piano,
made plans and thought some.
i could've worked more i suppose
but i wrote a few lines,
see how that goes, look for an idea,
then get back to reading
or trying to think;
one good starting point for tomorrow.
it'll be colder then again, they say.
hey, there's a guy
or gal walkingover
in a hazmat suit.
act normal.
it's nearly wonderful.
in fact yesterday morning
we worked outside;
then in the afternoon,
after a bowl of rice from Kim's,
we did more clean-up work outside.
well, yeah, i played a while on the piano,
made plans and thought some.
i could've worked more i suppose
but i wrote a few lines,
see how that goes, look for an idea,
then get back to reading
or trying to think;
one good starting point for tomorrow.
it'll be colder then again, they say.
hey, there's a guy
or gal walkingover
in a hazmat suit.
act normal.