Saturday, May 13, 2023

normal day

  there will be well into seventies temperatures.

bushes are loaded, well hanging in damp.

no birds, no squirrels, a black cat has been chased away.

eight a.m.  sounds lonely and pure.

if I I had my old diesel boat Snort

i’d run it now to hear it chug. Thug, clung.

soft and regular. s slow nod. like buttermilk.

my ferry on the bay.

i’ll write a few lines,

read some of today’s book.

note some things we did.

look ahead toward our next adventure.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Weather is holding

A whisper tells all there is.

I heard her first thing talking to them.

I casually asked is anyone is out there.

I should have known by her talking to them in a voice of glee 

Back again, two of them. They live here.

We’re not surprised we’re happy.

those monkey rabbits keep us busy.

I is like reading the 1919 book of Benjamin Franklin.

Keeps me busy. Also, must consider:

How to we protect those dears?

These critters to whom we grow attached.

Rain is mentioned without materializing.

Eyes to the sky.

At least we know why.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Starting over


Powdery white blue sky.

Sun shines in the sound of quiet.

Will be the warmest day we’ve had.

Eighty degrees and I’m glad.

Little, our favorite rabbit, is back one day after misery.

Boyfriend bunny came by also.

The old ranch is riding a return to normal.

Ain’t she sweet, just a-walking down the street.

Have to balance out the days,

Keep them lined up until we’re through.

Must be many ways

To erase the blues

wore my jacket and barret

To fight the cool, although they say

It will turn to a summer day.

If it can make it I’ll hurray.

talked to neighbors Ge Gee and Rod this a.m.

 walking to town is where they’re bound.

going for another injection.

yipe - at four we’re lining up for another round.

Music Milton auger, Jack yellen, lyrics - ain’t she sweet

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Chapter end

 Must have been the black cat.

All the babies were killed.

There is no rabbit here this morning.

The long bunny story has ended.

Our friends, our familiarity is torn out.

Meridith removed the bodies that were spread around.

It was brutal.  What a sad ending for the mother bunny.

and for us. We join in the heartache.

How is our bunny grieving?

So unfair for the rabbits.

We will miss them all.

We do miss them all.

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Black cat

 What we didn’t want to see in our yard.

Don’t know the drama must have occurred.

Last thing we wanted to see a few days before we leave.

No bunnies visible this morning.

The adult black cat was sitting by our tree. Waiting.

The rabbit den is undisturbed.

Meri chased the enemy away.

Now we wait to see who returns.

7:40 a bunny is seen in the back yard.

We have another week for the birth of new bunnies.

We’ll be in California. How will all turn out?

all seems acceptable at this time.

Monday, May 08, 2023

what a full up time of year

plants, trees and bushes are loading .

see unfolding green packed on the stems.

people walking dogs seem minimal.

railing daily heavy green thickness looms.

no one mows now because it’s wet all the time.

this cuts way down on noise in the neighborhood.

the rabbit eats dandelion stems, one after another.

filling before nursing her new borns.

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Double bunnies

 First morning activity is to see two bunnies 

in the yard. one is large, the other Little.

Good Sunday in May. Here’s setting out day.

have a coffee and plan the haps.

A book to continue on Kindle.

How to pace the finale for the flight to California.

When  Sunday glows good day

We two are on our way to the Fellowship.

I am curious to see where heads are.

 Now watching bunnies do their second greatest activity.

They can be in the middle of the yard and remain still.

Number one activity is to run quickly.