Saturday, September 04, 2021


 i happened to look

when seven deer crossed the street

two houses over. it was the whole family 

moving absolutely quietly.

the youngest was small 

and the father carried an impressive, large rack of horns.

they walked to an empty lot.

couldn't see them.

i don't know how long they stayed.

i never saw them again.

Thursday, September 02, 2021

Speed ball

 knew it would be

although the future seemed a dream.

the pitcher now hurls the ball 100 miles an hour.

  plenty zipping.

batters standing at the plate

don' t have time to relax and think

when the sphere speeds toward them.

will it be where I'm swinging?

is it high or low

straight or curving

am I ready

to  poke it a mile?

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

month begins

 easily we wake, i'm uncluding you

giving credit whether you deserve it or not. 

 this is your lucky day, eh?

 what do you say?  feel great, hey? 

 you walked right into that.  

now it's middle of the week.

weather reached a peak.

in a month or so I'll wear a hat.

 i'm thrilled. 

aim low and live pleased.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

change is on the way, goodbye August

 a dream time lugging in a bag

to carry the load

wipe it clean with a rag

say you've been told

been thinking like summer

now here's the number

a  change in the runner 

so long cucumber 

you're fried, oiled and chewed 

add music for the mood

you know the perfect ending 

a well-made pizza is our food

Monday, August 30, 2021

Canadian cream on

 line 'em up. want to hear?

this time it's canadian.

way back upon a beer.  that's a story.

long ago. remember. or maybe sooner.

next week.

september in the rain. a drama that we'll

make up as we go.

colorful skies and ice cream ... will keep us occupied.

i need to paint it.

i'm certified 

colors ready.