Monday, November 26, 2007

Bessans, France click on pic for larger view

Bessans, France

I was going through digital photos from two or three years ago and emailed this one to a

friend. "This is good, Walter. Most interesting. Enlarge the photo and look carefully. Do tell me,

you were there, what are those two things in the sky?" I wrote.

He replied, "Birds."

Then I saw a third thing in the sky and a possible fourth, above and to the right of the one on

the left. The entire file contained about a hundred photos, both indoors and out. I checked

them all again. This was the only one with smudges that caught my attention.

After a short while my friend wrote again, "Winter. Where do these pictures come from?"

I wrote back, "I think you took it. It was on a cd you sent me from your trip to Bessans,"

Then I knew he had accidentally photographed swamp gas.