meri always says
"quit licking your fingers"
but she is not the one with honey
dripping all over
let me clear that up
not all over really
just all over my fingers
and for this
i think my hand is lickable
the soonerable, the betterable
or the honey will be floorable
so, jellylovers
my advice is this
like it or not
lick it or else
i have to be careful now
cause that one i wrote yesterday
had a line that sounded like it came from hallmark
and i almost puked
see i wrote them for a job once forty years ago
wanted to be their poet
they wrote back and said they had one already
must have been the guys mother
(and don’t comment to this blog
that jellylovers is two words and not one
cause i like it that way or i’ll to put
you on my list to)