Friday, March 21, 2008

jelly fine advice

meri always says
"quit licking your fingers"
but she is not the one with honey
dripping all over

let me clear that up
not all over really
just all over my fingers

and for this
i think my hand is lickable
the soonerable, the betterable
or the honey will be floorable

so, jellylovers
my advice is this
like it or not
lick it or else

i have to be careful now
cause that one i wrote yesterday
had a line that sounded like it came from hallmark
and i almost puked

see i wrote them for a job once forty years ago
wanted to be their poet
they wrote back and said they had one already
must have been the guys mother

(and don’t comment to this blog
that jellylovers is two words and not one
cause i like it that way or i’ll to put
you on my list to)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

buona pasqua - happy easter

captain z. and iwona are in italy
drove 20 hours from poland
then called tuesday from bari
where filip’s in school

we made hasty plans, tried to call back
his phone out of range, end of that tact
after i emailed both he and his son
nothing happened, were we done?

then to the termini
found the trains full
flights too expensive
bus seats were nil

easter week came early this year
we thought we’d spend time
near the adriatic sea, but it fell through
that idea is not going to float

plans mean more than good intentions
this we again learned, again the hard way
meri checked now and found a lower flight fare
made arrangements to leave in the morning by air

so these daily lines i create will pause
be assured it’s for a very good cause
for friends may come, friends may go
it’s better when you see them though

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

when you get to heaven

when you get to heaven
you’ll never wait in line
smiles greet you everywhere
all you do is fine

you’ll dress in style, lead the pack
score the winning mark
the family will be filled with amazing joy
always sunday in the park

you can sleep in every morning
of that there is do doubt
mealtime means seconds of everything
and they don’t have sour kraut

(be sure to thank god for that)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

coffee or tea

whle i was talking on the phone
meri made me a hot drink in a large cup
i thought it was tea

terrible tea
too strong
lousy taste

after the phone call finished
i got up to put honey in it
she said, “don’t” it was coffee, not tea

ninety percent of the time we drink italian coffee
this was american style coffee
hey, the cup was big and it looked dark
just like strong tea

what a revelation
how powerfully the mind imagines
it was the worst, strongest tea ever
but it was fine coffee

from a thermos
i had it again ten hours later
and it was still good coffee

mind set is stronger than i knew
how can i be old and still be learning?
now i'll learned to pay attention to her
while i'm talking on the phone to someone else

Monday, March 17, 2008

our dear planet

the trash is piling up
it's floating in the sea

clean fresh water is running out
we need clean water to drink

the world population has
doubled in my lifetime

are the classrooms doing the job
do we care about our children

media doesn't speak all of the truths
money is leading globalization

we think what is lost
depends what it costs