Saturday, February 13, 2021


 words you say

can blow away

write them down

 they stick around

shortcut to happiness

 some pieces go together

when you sort them, however

not all fit in any weather

i'm saying cold can be too much

to comfortably fit pieces forever.

like rain can mess you up also.

a clean dry garage is a start for happiness.

so you need a heater. what do we have now?

a pathway to happiness? seems like a shortcut.

be sure to keep good pressure in the tires.

Friday, February 12, 2021

full of jolly

take off your jacket.

leave it on the chair ... the one by the window.

yes, over there.

full is not what i want to be right now, i need to lean up.

i'm thinking warm weather may get me moving.

right now it's writing and thinking. that's filling my time.

and still i've more to do that remains unattended.

publish my book and poems...that way i can see what i have.

hey, i'm doing everyday. we'll see where i'm headed.

i look back and think i need my writing in a heap where i can read it

and see what to edit. to add.  are you getting along or just

not thinking about it?


Major Endeavor

a name tells all.
 an exercise to keep us going,
to develo around my perimeter.
 my heart is good, i'll keep it.
that is not a question.

take a note.
check the hour,
 excuse me,
got to run again.
did you note anything?
i'm not talking weather.
look...we'll take it easy
get out your note maker, see what we can put together.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Filed up while it's right

 look and be filled with poets

all over the place, you see. make a space.

plenty all filing in order, in clover of happiness

what do you expect. now is the season.


get a battery to power your mower.

go moo now.

moo-er, the battery powered electric cow.

drone over for a close look.


moo over the fence.

from whence it came.

chew your green. 

stay lean.

tony bennet's song

dah. deh. dah, dah

dah. deh. dah, dah

play with me, why won't you

stay with me, 

i know you really can

take me along, sing our song ...

we'll ride along this way together.

in any weather.

our hearts will sing this song

our song.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

blue morning

  looking out upon a winter's

start of morning sunshine. 

the color rose blends low on white clouds 

 and  a touch of blue can be seen in the shaded snow field. 


 looking early with the writer's eye.

the sky is simply empty light blue.

dance my heart for this glimpse

gives me a smile and happiness too.