Saturday, June 03, 2023

New bells


Calling out June the new moon

arrives soon they say.

A new tune is going to play.

A good day right away.

I prey thee play.

Come what May.

We did that one already,

Hold on steady.

We’ve got Summer,

A first rate hummer.

We’ll see it through

with hugs to you.

Friday, June 02, 2023

Tasty Coffee


Get in line, will you?

Four point six billion cups of coffee are drunk worldwide everyday,

How large are those cups?

how quickly are they put down?

How many cigarettes are smoked at the same time?

A video about Costa Rica had the coffee info.

It also had sloths climbing trees.

My friend Bill lives in Cost Rica.

He must be guilty of drinking coffee or climbing trees.

The weather and the coffee are good where he is.

All I can do is make a note

On June second the day i wrote.

Today will be in the upper eighties.

For my friends in Centidrade, that warm.

 Note complete ,   Now I’ll have another coffee.

Hi to Bill and to the rest of you.

Thursday, June 01, 2023

time for fewer customers


i have to guess the best time to go.

The stain on the drive was left by the worker’s truck.

We keep this place looking good.

Now she says the spot is a water stain.

I’m working quietly here, causing no damage.

When walking in the rain I’m dressed for it.

Later I’ll say “why didn’t I tell this or that.”

At least we usually have good weather.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023



up and down

climbing all around

easy as can be

squirrel on the tree

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Fall away May


running to the water’s edge

where bushes form a hedge.

cast away your hook

into the shimmering, babbling brook.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial day

 A tough day, remembering wars.

Celebrating those who perished.

Come on, humans, get along.

How could we have come up with wars?

If you need contests

Why not battle over cooking the best food

and playing the best music.

Take naps when you’re tired and look at the stars at night.

And sports and card games and bowling.

And walking and swimming contests.

Chess and baseball. Reading books.

Story telling and poetry. Easy does it.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Last night thoughts rose bright


It occurred what to note.

While dreaming under starlight.

The melody of an old tune I heard on the radio had a name.

 I should have written it out.

So simple I though I would have remembered.

Another day, another hour.

It went up in a swirl of dream.

Was it one dream or many? I don’t remember.

Nevertheless I woke up empty minded.

The simple song had slipped by me.

You know I’ve done this before.

I think, but don’t remember.