Saturday, May 15, 2021

two large

 cats beware

the bunnies walking in our yard

are larger than you are;

we're happy to worry less about

the rabbits. we can relax.

remains of fossilized rabbits date  

back fifty million years.

older than Diet Pepsi

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Head in first


this Wednesday Berardi',s, 

 the 19th,  eleven-thirty.

 talking over coffee

and some lunch?  class of '63 showing up

 tell me, honey,

Where did the old town go?.

the stores are gone, that's what i found.

what we need is a warm blanket feel ... who can debate?

a nap during the day before it's late.

you need shade when the sun  is cooking.

take out your time ... easy.

i've had enough not getting along.

the lake is smooth as it ought to be.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

partially swell

 need to cover bare earth

before the next big rain:  the city says.

now, four rabbits, more or less hopping.

good to see them without searching for them.

they show up every day.


sky now is blue, wind is light; that's so fine.

count on next week to be warmer;

weather's moving that way.


been reviewing old poems/posts.

figuring where i've been an where i'm headed,

what i've done, etcetera ... moving on the line.


like Lincoln's funeral train,

 people turned out to see it pass.

it's where we're located.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

rain day

 how long will rain stay,

can you guess half a day?

can't say while looking out your window.

 not from Ohio


just saw the photo

my oh, you look fifty.

i'm sorry you've dogs in the way


then falling and hurting your arm.

not good, easy to do, older you get.

i can say i've been lucky every day for a month.

i've got to pay attention. 


i'm just lucky. 

on and on. 

 me paying attention ... that's a joke. 

daughter: luck to us both.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

May some


Sunday 9 May

rain opened the day

until 10:20 when

it began snowing

 i'm knowing that

for sure the sound all around

went from pounding to lighter.

well, thicker... if you heard 

you'd of said, hey.  It grew noticeable ...

thicker, wetter. For sure snow came down.

in clumps.