Saturday, May 08, 2021

ticking better

talked to clock man, Tim

as he applied oil a bit

to the ticking of it.

was a pleasure talking to him.


the clock worked exceptionally well,

those words he said were swell.

he's a gentle old man;

got along well.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

wait another week

temperatures will be better for plants

when it warms, you see, 

we're not there yet. we're going to be

wait with me


we haven't seen a cool spring for a while.

may as well smile and live with it.

for a bit longer

we can be stronger,


think of summers we recall, that's all 

stand tall and wait

won't it be great

when summer finally gets here.

Monday, May 03, 2021

circle cycle

 What a day it has been, Cole porter;

 It's a rare mood I'm in

and i dropped the ball recalling your fine words turning in my heart.

It's the flash of good weather that I love 

finally, we've waited so long

You can make it into a song

We'll take this day along on a roll.

building good feelings

In our hearts, you know it, Cole.


your warm words and unforgettable melodies

bring freshness and warm hearts to us all

and comfort going miles inside us.