Saturday, April 01, 2023

Five plus a large rabbit

 had a storm  pre-halfway into the dark, dark 

night we had. 

a wild storm and night we experienced , we certainly did.

Rain beat hard, deluged, pounding all it could.

calm and yard strangely debris free this good morning.

then piled in quickly after another, the bunny neighborhood.

sons and daughters of our Little.

life goes on.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Plan ahead

 The schedule is blank.

We can put in what we like.

Call this a golden opportunity.

This is a chance to pick up some ground.

Clean up the shreds, get the surroundings clean.

Wait.  now the rain has come. It will stay today.

Good thing nothing was planned.

Hurray, or what?

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Crates of fruit

 Grapes most likely.

Apples are a probability.

Depends on the season.

Sunlight shines heavily.

Beautiful sky, good morning.

This is how to start the day.

All we need is to warm a bit.

Tie your shoe.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

New wave

 There’s a new wave of weather coming through today.

We‘ve tried it all so now we open a bundle unseen.

Blue skies surround us

no wind has bound us

Beautiful light blue, we’re ready for you

We’re in for a lovely day today.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Two large deer

 In the yard this morning.

From bed one they went to the woods.

Blended into a complete camouflage.

Good to have them back.

Right now there is nothing for them to destroy.

They’ll be back when the garden 

Begins to get ready.

I’m sure they’ll remember the garden.

Monday, March 27, 2023

To the bird sanctuary

 A hundred city folk at the nature center.

slides and talk, we were there.

a great speaker that knows the birds,

has followed them around the globe.

a gift to hear his talk.

like the free concerts, another reward of living near the city.

eye exam

 a taste of advanced technology bestowed on me.

had my eyes checked for new glasses.

the doctor swiftly did his work.

reminded me of the widely known, wise old man who checked me for glasses the first time years ago.

this man seemed to possess both magic and concern.

i felt the time had come for me to be lucky.

a gifted doctor.

today I pick out my frames.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

running on steel

 periodically throughout the nights

 silence is interrupted by a calling train.

sometime  i am awake, waiting.

first distant, singing out over far fields, 

i hear it approaching the town, 

then calling down the streets.

as the rumble of steel approach and pass in darkness.

taunting, rumbles crawl near.

passing, becoming faint again.

oh, Night mystery, I love the song you sing to me.

waiting now for next you pass.

keep rolling