Saturday, August 29, 2020


so if so
then you see.
near to you,
near to me.
the big tree, some rocks, flowers and weeds.
play outa while
look around some
watch for seeds
take it easy on your walk
it's pretty out there
enjoy the time out of doors

Friday, August 28, 2020

waiting days

then rain and off, 
blowing heavy drops.
call it stormy with thunder;
including one exceptional strike,
you must have heard it, felt it;
from the inside. the strike occurred here.
only one other time in my life did i
happen to be where lightning exploded.
oh, yeah, too close; made me jump.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ring on will ya

my goodness,
just when all's trashed
seems some work
to dump big-time
our sweet land of liberty.
where're you headed?
of thee i sing.
let us be proud again,
something to cheer about
from every mountainside, streetside
get going now
let freedom ring.