Saturday, April 29, 2023

Day an night

 Rabbits are in our yard.

We drove back from the store and right there

on the side of the drive was one of our rabbits.

They’ve become daring. Makes me cautious.

I mean I hope they’ll be cautious.

I don’t want them overly comfortable with the traffic.

I hope they pay attention and keep out of the way.

I shouldn’t have to worry about wild rabbits.

Working in Hollywood

   Thick traffic some days.

  worked at a radio station on sunset boulevard 

Out the window I often Saw Groucho take 

a morning Walk.

Recording studios were nearby.

For me ten or fifteen minutes to home in north Hollywood.

Or down the street to Santa Monica pier.

Took my kids to La Brea Tar Pits.

and to BingTheater where we saw Ray Bolger the

Scare crow from The Wizard Of Oz dance and sing

To Singing In The Rain.

Sun shiney warm Hollywood.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Three on the run

 Woke up to them going around.

Chasing, frolicking from one side to the other.

Sprinkles of rain are about to happen.

Moving quickly from side to side.

Can’t tell who’s the leader.

Large bunnies, swift moving.

Have they been running all night?

It’s eight o’clock, started to sprinkle. They’re gone.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Builds a nest

 We watch as the bunny carefully builds her nest.

Read about how they work, what to expect.

Get into a routine and lose track of our bunny.

All for sure is finished, then it reappears.

Is it our mother bunny to be or not?

Meri keeps looking. I make notes and worry

as reports of bunnies movements come in.

In and out of the nest too quickly. What is happening?

This I said is her nest when it is for sure a nest.

An who is the male rabbit that sits and watches?

Bunnies don’t have much protection from predators 

they can run and those big feet are built for kicking.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Black Cutout dog

 Keeps deer away.

We like to see deer around.

However, they eat our good plants.

Can’t blame ‘em for being hungry.

Squirrels are out. It seems warmer.

But squirrels come out when snow is on the ground.

For clarification on my report of anything squirrel:

I’m not or have I ever been a squirrel watcher.

If there were buses here,

And places to go on them

then I’d stamp my ticket

and have a look up and down the town.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Building a nest

 Below our widow

Been working all night.

Two bunnies prepare.

She builds, he overlooks.

After eight, she needs to rest now.

A mouthful of grass or pine needles at a time.

she's gone now. will return this evening.

newborn bunnies could be covered up in there.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Looks like a good day

 Sure we don’t have it perfect.

It’s completely cloudy. Grey looking.

No traffic, walkers or animals.

Not a breeze.

Give it a few hours. See what happens.

I’m coffeed out. Nothing scheduled now.

I’ll review what I’ve written to see how it is.

Decide where to go from here.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sat eve, knock ‘em down

 The jazz orchestra hits it.

haven’t heard them for two months and we’re ready.

Charts like the top bands of the 1930’s to today.

Oberlin college teaches them kids to be hot cats.

quiet, waiting for 7:30 p.m. 

Finney Chapel twelve hundred wooden pews,

below and balcony,  a long way up to the wooden ceiling.

 a fully charged spiritual concert hall that swings.