Friday, August 26, 2022



 it's impossible.

the leaves aren't moving.

not a breath.

inhalation exhalation takes 

more than's happening. 

large trees, little bushes, top to bottom

 nature's stiff out there good morning.

breath for me

and i on you

Now a small cardinal is moving

in the winterberry bush near the window.

back and forth all around.

constant hopper.

Okay he left.  

I saw a leaf move.

Slow but more to normal.

The day will make it.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Last week of August

 been thinking, putting time  together.

to notice where we are when i write a little.

so looking at poems can tell me how 

 often i am chopping one down.

i'll have a wack.   now it's quiet, nothing's

going on. 

 haven't figuered if this street

is going to grow traffic wise. 

could be it'll grow out some other streets. 

if we're lucky we won 't have to think 

about it. right now it comes up cause 

there's nothing much else to ponder.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

rabbit returns

 how can they return?

Little reappeared, then a large rabbit.

all were waygone a week ago. 

 not a sign. then last night 

at the regular time, same spot.

one, then the other. 

a surprise for we humans.

seems they were passing through.

must have found a new home nearby.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


this one is the best i've ever had;

still i don't like to go there.

all i bring with me is fear.

can't stop remembering other  times.

other years. 

though this is new,

i wear a mask. a disguise. 

but he'll find me crouching down, waiting my turn.

the day after feeling better;

being thankful and cautious. 

Welcome Millers Orchards



Closed Sundays

Mon - Fri

Favored for Flavor

Sunday, August 21, 2022

rocka my boat

 ready to bail ...

the world gets watered like a dry flower pot.

no doubt of it pouring.

tension means no traffic ... a big lacka.

a train sounding comfort.

lacka, lacka, lacka.

come-a rocka my,

Come-a rocka my boat.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Rabbits gone

 two days without seeing either one of the big ones, or our Little.

aware there is definitely less movement outsider  our wondows. 

we look at the appropriate hour.

 missing  small bunny she called Little was obvious.

daily for five months we had watched it chew clover, play, sleep and grow.

went from lying on the lawn 

in one of the same spots every day

around 7 p.m.

to gone.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Season slipped by

 hardly aware of how easily the season slipped by.

we're enjoying summer thinking where to go because this is

finally into the heat of the season, then it rolls into fall.

just feeling it before the colors or coolness come bout

but no doubt; the change is in the air.


 The word iconic has been 

discovered this year.

Cover it up.

Give it a rest.

i have an island


i have an island in my room
i keep it in my bed
it's there i sun and walk on sand
and swim inside my head

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

piano tuned

 said as if done.

the man's on the run

heading this way.

will see how it goes.

holy mackerel, don't need anything

but a pleasant time.

what i want, what i wish

row the boat.  catch a fish.

simplicity elasticity, musical notes in captivity

here this poem ends ... explicitly 

now tune the piano?

and the man quickly did.

when she asked me


when she asked me to turn
off the sprinklers in twenty minutes
i nodded and  noticed the kitchen clock
and then the one in the living room.

they were ten minutes apart.
i began to tell her and she said
“Oh, jack” in that tone, you know which one.
“This is not science.”

“go make a clock then” is what i thought
but didn’t say,
then forgot where i was going with this
so i returned to the spot where i thought it

ever do that?
it usually works  -  to capture forgotten thoughts
return to the spot where you thought it.
this time it didn’t work.

looking out the kitchen window
there on the back of a chair
a squirrel sat intensely
looking in at me.

i had a plan where i was going with this
but  now, before i forget again,
i'd better go out
and turn off the sprinklers.

Monday, August 15, 2022

The long shot of the morning sun

 i remember the long shot of the morning sun, first thing, at the crack of dawn.

 how it hit the kitchen wall.

that's  how i learned where east was

 and that the sun moved a little every day cause i made a small mark on the wall with a pencil where the sun first hit.

and the weeks became seasons and changed where i marked on the wall. 

Oh, the color of the sun and the wall. 

i'd mark small so my mother wouldn't see it.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

F in space

woke with a tone in my head,
checked on the piano, it was an F.

later in the day i remembered the F.
next day, again i duplicated the F.

then a train went by:
what do you know, the mournful tone was? an F.

now i am waiting another F'n train.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Let's retire the bucket list

like large stars people mounted on their houses,

 because it was the rage a few years ago.

thank goodness it is out of fashion now.

Dump 'em.

i say that so a few more people will

take down the ridiculous stars.

while we're at it: retire the bucket list.

we don't need a list of special things we 

must do in our lifetime.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Survive and return

 didn't expect to look out this evening

to see frolicking two full grown bunnies.

for ten or fifteen minutes they did

typical rabbit play: hopping, running, staying close.

Monday, August 08, 2022

turning the corner on summer

change comes whether you think of it or not.

are you talking to me?

keep your eye on the ball. 

that's common sense.


don't know why i repeat the rules

eventhough the rules keep changing.

all seems so simple when you see the field.

stay within the lines.  that's what they're for.


plenty hot and humid out.

though we've signs that another season will soon appear

line up, wash well, dry, stay clean, my dear.

and be ready for what change comes next.

Zucchini bread

 no yogurt with dry cereal this morning.

 sure they exist, but forget about it.

today it's zucchini bread and butter

so moist and light

it tastes like cake - the bread does.

not a tough meal to take.

call it a tasty breakfast.

but don't talk with your mouth full.

Saturday, August 06, 2022


Old school mates, from 61 years ago.

That says it. That, and: my goodness.

Imagine seeing someone you once knew that you haven't seen for a lifetime. 

A wonderful event. 

A tremendous wow to all, even persons reading this. You get the idea. It doesn't often happen.

Of course It warms the heart.

Friday, August 05, 2022


stand back, make room.

no obstruction, time is moving.

 open road free wheeling,

fine weather hauling.

hills won't matter.

free spirits chatter.

songs are calling.

we're heading home. we're heading home.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

one about

there's one reported this a.m.

a solo rabbit at first light; out scouting.

all the great night storms predicted 

resulted in a sprinkle.

so night ran quietly on hardly a breeze.

74 degrees This mornin', warm as you please. 85 this a.m.

looking at cloud thickness all day. 

and hey, now i can hear it raining. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

 300 species of hummingbirds in the world.

17 species in the u.s.

with these words

to you i send a warm hello

and advice to keep a lookout for what's ahead.

how prepared can you be?

please, be as best as you are able.

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

worn out

 after a night out staying fully alert.

morning wakes in silence, no one hurt.

energized and tired, all in one.

time to to sleep, no need to run.

this is home land. safe for all.

good dreams, my friends. wall to wall.

Monday, August 01, 2022

 sun sets

some do

flush red


rush out


Been a while

not since april

has another month begun with A.

put a note up with a staple.

into this tree, mark it maple.

Sunday, July 31, 2022


 around on tables.

here they are. seems many.

just reading one at a time; or two.

i tell you reading keeps me company.

books tell a story.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Evelyn 13

 the town we came to last

October with Catherine my daughter.

the town is Wooster,

an  R instead of W and you'd have Rooster.

 an hour away when you figure.

good weather, good country drive. 

ordered the Evelyn 13 again.

leftovers were boxed and became supper.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

john walker

 John walker caught me, turned came back

we talked the morning with interest covering his current book and frogs.

i explained how the principal takes a position.

he will look now to see who is boss .

i have to speak up for him to hear.

John lives in his world as i harbor mine.

we are comfortable talking.

i made a four line poem as an example.

that's how comfortable the space john gives me.

always i'll speak louder, more clearly.

he walks miles each day.

i call him john walker.

a good soul.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

not raining

 skip the prediction.

sure we have the complete thick

cloudiness masking completely the entire sky

all the way up and across, from one

side to the other plus up and down,

 it's totally gray with no darkness


so it doesn't seem like rain will fall.

not immediately.

maybe after a while.

three minutes after i finished writing this

i turned my back and

it began to rain ... hard.