Thursday, September 10, 2020

poets 1


a crowd of poets is a sad thing

sure they're always holding hands

but they're crying.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

working the best we can

every day we find chores
that need completing.
 you know how that goes.
not overly fatiguing.
we do the jobs we want to do first.
fortunately, we can secure trained agents to handle
the worst. if you pay they'll show up.

two school-age boys came by

to clean our already clean rain gutters.
we sent them away.
last winter we over-paid the same lads to shovel snow,
they did a lousy job and kept returning at every dusting of a few snowflakes.

here at our new home we're caught with the unfamiliar;
going to stores to buy the food 
people we've never seen put cans on shelves.
our new garden turned out unremarkable.

unannounced, another completion:  a baby rabbit was born,
hopped around our yard as a clumsy complete newcomer would.
 then it stormed heavy rain 24 hours.
 the baby washed well.

the newly born came out after the rain.
i saw three other rabbits as well.

today our  bunny came out,
ate grass and kept to itself
as rabbits tend to do.
we watched from inside.
don't know if it's a him or her
it's just our bunny.
we  know little.

Tuesday, September 08, 2020


last night's forecast called for thunder,
they hit it on the bean,
 right on time, the crack of dawn . 
the clock said six.

  morning's light trapped in thunder clouds.
a strong boom shook the house .
pouring rain alternated with cold stillness.

i woke clearly and thought to write
good words, altogether so they blend.
a theme dedicated to this morning.

 found nowhere to scratch it.
forgot to sleep with a pen and paper.

had an idea, couldn't write it down.
 so i slipped into sleep again,
forgot my thoughts,
lost them in the rain.
a pleasant way to go.

Thursday, September 03, 2020


Wednesday is trash day.
not make it, pick it up.
put it out and a city truck comes by.
the cans are so big i can't handle them.
refuse is one, recycle the other
two to go automatically.
giant robot arms pick them up
and turn the cans over above the truck.
i can watch and write about them,
that's it.

Tuesday, September 01, 2020


workers again
come aboard  ...

i remove myself.
take a lunch break.

eLectricity, i had to say it.
two guys playing with wires
for hours ...

good for them i leak money.

Saturday, August 29, 2020


so if so
then you see.
near to you,
near to me.
the big tree, some rocks, flowers and weeds.
play outa while
look around some
watch for seeds
take it easy on your walk
it's pretty out there
enjoy the time out of doors

Friday, August 28, 2020

waiting days

then rain and off, 
blowing heavy drops.
call it stormy with thunder;
including one exceptional strike,
you must have heard it, felt it;
from the inside. the strike occurred here.
only one other time in my life did i
happen to be where lightning exploded.
oh, yeah, too close; made me jump.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ring on will ya

my goodness,
just when all's trashed
seems some work
to dump big-time
our sweet land of liberty.
where're you headed?
of thee i sing.
let us be proud again,
something to cheer about
from every mountainside, streetside
get going now
let freedom ring.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

two leaves fell

 i saw two leaves
fall from a tree, one of our
trees, way early; this is august,
too soon, still summer.
not time for falling leaves
2020 continues to be
a year of strange.
it does seem that way.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

a change

summer heat slipped away.
so quickly.
were you expecting cooler weather?
i hadn't thought of a change.

then a week went by
other events distracted me;
i turned my head
 and now fall approaches.

Monday, August 17, 2020

blue jay

that blue jay is tough as an eagle
well, not quite, but thinks he is.
no matter who's on our bird feeder
blue jay will fly in when he wants to.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

i'll smile again

never get closer than thirty feet
to that rabbit, we call ours,
we must be a blur
of large people
that live nearby
and are never focused on;
while in our hearts we're
kind and gentle although
the only thing we do is provide
undisturbed tall grasses and plants
for the rabbit to live in and chew on
and we keep out of the way.
sounds like bunny love, doesn't it.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


two workmen have been here
 a week.  they are finishing
today putting in windows
and insulation.  i imagine
the job will be done well.
 what we've seen is good work.
when they're gone we'll have a
closer look and wonder why
we didn't notice a particular
while they were here. i think what we'll notice
for sure is that we prefer to have our space 
to ourselves without them in it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

opening round

on the grey start of this summer day,
when i got my coffee, took it easy ...
to the table. looked away
she was already sitting there, hair brushed. Looking

proper. i got our toast and butter. She asked for jelly.
then the house shook ... and a second time.
quickly. nothing to see.
why so booming?

thunder rocked us ... unaccountably.
no explanation
seems clouds had been building
then we got the boom

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

the buffalo

some rainy, foggy, chilly midweek
when secretaries call in sick
and postmen wear goulashes
go to the zoo and take in what’s left

splash along the water-covered concrete
past occasional trees bent, looking away
from the wind’s lick

see the muddy, mucky, peanut-shelled patch
where there stands the buffalo
knee-deep, with dirty, unkempt, matted hair
his eyelids closing out the drizzle
shoulders that held up america

clothed the indians in a montana mountain snow
fed starving wagoneers not quite to the promised land
mark of the plains
symbol of an era

it is fitting that he be visited
for his eyelids are closing now, america

Monday, August 03, 2020


my ears ring in the quiet.
i have to think to notice.
you'd say it is not possible
to hear what isn't.

i must occur to me
before i notice the space;
the lack of audio.
that's ear ringing.

now, where are the tapping woodpeckers.
there is wood enough.
perhaps it is a season when they tap more.
this is worth a lifetime of study.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Deer gone

didn't wake in time to see them.
no doubt they're here.
 quiet day. Worked some.
Giacomo called. Good to hear from him.
he's going to notorcycle to Switzerland.
what a wonderful breath of fresh air.
good views and great chocolate.
chocolate there is better.
you can taste the difference.
here we've rain a little.
it is accurate to say it that way.
fairly warm, quiet as usual.
i'm going to have
to go out a little.
to check it out.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


Indians baseball wrings tension out of me,
now i've less to worry about.
we're not paying to see
the indians on tv.

all my life i could see a game on tv, now they want an extra forty bucks a nonth.
the players get several million a year, and they want the fans to cough up the extra bucks and cheer for the tribe. they're asking a lot.
i can hardly stand it, drives me nuts.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

new boy

all right, we're heading home.
enough tough play,
settle in with good manners.
hurray, we're happy, ole', ole'

now change to let feeling
into your heart.
i'm thinking.
do you want some ice cream?

sitting back in the sunshine,
keep an eye on how the day goes.
put on your favorite clothes.
time to be happy again.

Monday, July 27, 2020


So, a lady in a national park
is running away from a bison;
falls down and has to lie still
and get sniffed by the bison.

Water will fall

there may be rain this afternoon.
yesterday i saw it forecast.
low nineties, a temperature leap.
remembering water all around
yes, the old days. takes me to Sausalito,
home amid boats. the bay is ours.
phone talking to my daughter in california.
good to hear her voice.
out the window, a blue jay in a bush
falls down and rolls on the ground.
looked like a hard fall. oh, the things
i see out the window.

now a truck is out front ready to pull
out a pole and put in a new one.
movement between lunches
and naps. the city goes on.
i hope it's a good thunderstorm.

Friday, July 24, 2020

all in

drove by to see how life happens
in Grafton and Shilo
drive-by towns unknown to most,
 even if you live close.

plus parts outside, beyond the regular.
people walked on the street.
we are nearby and busy
as we could be.

park & amp; ride,
clouds above, she cried.
press to operate,
she stepped off the curb, go 

meri thinks the new doctor
shouldn't dress like
the weather girl.
well, honey, "you

were always on my mind."
Willie Nelson sings for me.
i'll eat those sugarless candies
and move on down the line.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

courage doc, please.

Microsoft Edge has invited itself into my computer.
looking around i found it.
i am supposed to care if large companies battle.
now the great computer edge in the sky
has jammed itself into my computer
at no additional cost,

want a cup of coffee while i tell you?
in my computer, you must move lightly, okay?
outside i take hours of flowers blooming, 

presuming i'm ready
to flower up again, when i've been
steady in the rain, searching
for dream ideas in bunches
and sunshine.

just shoot across the still pond
in your canoe
paddle lightly, with breeze anointing
you'll zip along.
i'll meet you there...where i'm pointing.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The rabbit's life

heat's up
better to stay indoors and look out
to the world racing by.
what a fine day this is.
for one, the rabbit came back
to lay around in the overgrown yard.
here it is hot and evidently, he
doesn't drink much, just eats greens.
that's healthy.
takes his liquid from plants.
we put a ceramic dish of water out,
hope he finds it.
anyway, it is good to see
the rabbit.

Friday, July 17, 2020

rain louder than the train

rain louder than the train.
harvest moon, so soon it seems,
though it's been a year;

this night i stayed in bed, didn't open the curtain to look.
then a brilliant flash at three
and i counted the seconds, nine, ten, eleven...rumble.
again a flash - i counted to nine that time.
nine miles away.

i imagine the storm diminished
as i slept again
until rolling thunder when i woke at six.
left to right, across the sky.
and the rain was louder than the train...two trains around seven.
rain pouring hard on and off this morning.

This night i count as one i slept well,
wrapped in good thought and dream.
how about'd it seem?

(The Harvest moon occurs in September or October, but I put it into today's poem.
Oh, I like those train whistles.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

this Wednes day

Cooking warm today.
sticky already, before noon.
hot day underway,,
talk of cooking,
don't heat the kitchen. not today.

you have air cooling? crank it on.
or windows open and a fan,
that will do, well. a fan helps, windows won't.

I'm happy just because.
The heat won't knock my Wednesday out of whack.
i can take it. are you onboard?
Charge into what's coming this day.
the mailbox is empty. i rattled it.  Wait, i just heard a train going by.
That is a pleasure. Makes my day. Let me hear those whistles blow.
One for Old Lonesome, Piute Jerry,  Cutter Bill, and one for me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

edge note

Microsoft Edge has invited itself into my computer.
i am supposed to care as large companies battle.
how did i get involved?  i have no uniform.
"Good morning, Jack, Where is your logo?"

i recently gained eight pounds; lost two yesterday.
i'm on my way back.
sunshine today, warm tomorrow.
partially warm enough now.

note this, Sunshine,
i'd have pancakes with you
if i wasn't planning on losing
another two pounds today like yesterday.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


maintain food
grow it, store it, beans, rice.
flour, salt, sugar, canned food.
write it down.
make notes to see how it's going.
walking outside to see what's growing.
i'm out there
before noon when it is cool.
hear the birds, good signals.
all is well this morning.
a berry pie is just a thought,
not ready for it now, thinking ahead.
the birds seem more organized than people.
they don't bake, they eat berries off the trees.
virus is in the news. spreading.
no answers yet from anyone.
i see few people out,
a few walking their dogs.
at the market some wear masks.
what is happening, where is this going?

Friday, July 10, 2020

Morning heat

  • couldn't find her,
the plumber is on his way.
she's far out mowing,
now wearing a cooling rag on her head;
it's a new invention.

i pushed the mower so she could hear that it is so quiet. she worried about disturbing beighbors. they never think that way.
out and back for me.
that's my time limit. although,
i like even a 90 degree humid day;
heat beats winter freeze.


Thursday, July 09, 2020

Where on ya

 near the lake now.
  few blocks away.
pulled into an old shopping lot,
 giant stores run down, closed.
   my goodness. acres of space,
room for a thousand cars.
a few cars are parked,
maybe twenty if you count them all.
  nothing happening now.
the virus makes life slow.
 we could get some ice cream
on the way home. forget it.