Saturday, December 19, 2020

a fight continues

 struggling into the weekend.

no birds, no animals. not around today.

it is completely quiet today.

there is no problem reading my head. my ideas.

i desire to write some good words, and fear to proceed.

yesterday I read my journals of trips to Mexico, Costa Rica and Italy.

fun to recall, return, live again.  should i reprint all, make more work of it?

right now i am taking it easy, getting through rough times.

keep going simply, i am.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wiser light

no bucket fulls. we're going easy now.

 a dab at a time.

always lights have something to do with  snow loading days. It Seems snow is on the way. They say. But hey, but we're out of the big fall. measure up.

the coast east will feast on it, the white cold wet.

I look now and it seems sleepy out here.

out there, you know.

hey, it's pretty. and sleepy.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Biden my time

mask up,

way to go;

tie one on

this time for Joe.

Better days

Ohio winter is light, not yet effective.

only Covid 19 is pronounced.

January will begin another world

as trump is on his way away.

Friday, December 11, 2020

yea, i looked harder

 sleep packed with dream.

more than sand lining the shore.

my mind wandered in extreme

so much to explore.  can you feel it, Christmas.  on the way is the holiday, and it is quiet

with people staying at home.  mostly alone and thinking.  covid is about.   at least it is not freezing.  there,

something good to enjoy.  go eat a cookie.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

In my memory

 it could squish between my toes

 warm days i walked barefoot

through a puddle

summer outing

The others, joni mitchell, paul simon,

I read and hear about.

many others times, songs are brief.

years in Rome, days to come. Meals.

Other cities, around talking. 

Pictures in my memory.

Saturday, December 05, 2020

ballooned and floating

 watching poems, impressed, concerned

overcome with, battle along my way,

you go easy, you know you should.

roads are slippery when

 it's me in the way.

you wave briskly for me to see you.

it could have been, distraction,

took away concentrationfor a second.

objective in sight. 

slow down to be extra careful.

no matter how long it takes i'll wait.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

football watchin' i saw


 i first saw him many years ago,

 for years i've seen him ... on TV.

thin, sturdy, blonde, neat-combed hair.

of apparent Scandinavian descent, i'd say.

he's with a football team, that's why i see him.

once in a while during a game they show him on the sidelines;

always looking attentive ... concerned.

probably a head coach of the NFL team  watch.

i know this guy's name for nothing.

i saw him on Monday night Football this week.


for thirty years or more i've seen him occasionally.

so i know him better than he knows me, naturally.

for sure we both get along where we belong ... on the sidelines.

and work it out


and work it out

hey Debra; Jack and Meridith

from way far away after Sausalito

and Rome, now Oberlin, Ohio

spark a hoppin' hello

back to times with Henry, Joanne and the rest of us.

cause you led us hoppin' true

you did and we stayed in step

you're still in our brain

December got here

 December got here. so did the snow,

knee deep white, more than i've seen for years.

today is Wednesday, last night snow came down

heavily.  today it's 41 degrees, we have no snow tires,

can we get out and back in . 

oh yes, she did,  all went well. 

she made it out and back.

now two weeks later.

it is no snow, warmer

 another day is Thursday , sunny.

blue sky with gentle, now wind, wispy clouds.

snow storms are gone, 

the temperature is over freezing. 

looking out to stillness.


Monday, November 30, 2020

poem for now


(check the time) 1:44, close the door, 

now, this is what a poem is for ...

to give you rhyme, most every time, not always ...

and good sense? hmm, you decide.


and poetry has meter, ... like a parking meter only you never put quarters in.

it won't expire and you won't get a ticket.

and scheme ... what a dream. 

 today's theme acceptance and encouragement ...

please accept my poem, i encourage you to write your own.

i was asked to write you a poem for today.

what is the poem about? HAH. my poems are so short i 'd divulge too much if i mention it.


here's my poem:

a crowd of poets is a sad thing, there's no denying;

we'll spend time holding hands when we''re not crying.

i'm not lying. 

 the life of a poet is difficult, complicated.
making notes sorting words, stacking cards; we're poets in isolation,

 doing it alone ...

the sound of one dog barking

oh, here to the corner ... no parking.

there is hunger in the United States and Covid 19

... this poem distracted you for a moment ...

    like rainbow colors, in fluffy clouds

early morning train


slid the window open after three
dreamed clouds again until five-thirty
when, from long beyond
i heard the whistle say - i am train

calling low in light rain,
sweet voice, milk and thunder
clawing on wings of steel,
lonely is the night, strong, sure

swinging through, blasting,
rolling heavy on quick-wheel feet
powering around, long through, then out of town,
murmur lonely; cutting night stillness, like blades on ice

iron maiden go, into first morning light
familiar friend, shaking windows with your power,
i smiled, low in bed, covered my head
slept another hour.

     this is the third time i've published this poem; 

     i like it and i'm working on it.


beyond midnight

 sleeping, thinking, rolling dream.

half and half, back again,

not too early, not too late.

i want to hear the tapping rain drops.

nearly see forgotten faces of friends i knew.

longing to see my friends again.

yeah, a cup of coffee and thirty minutes

can do wonders for friendships.

Friday, November 27, 2020

chestnuts found by the reservoir

While in Norwhere we drove to the lake several times, sometimes for her to walk the mile or so, loop around, then sometime to gather nuts.  A line of chestnut trees were on our way out of the park. It took us a year or two to notice them, then we began timing the season to pick chestnuts when they dropped.

kept the nuts in the freezer.  The  squirrels like them. We gathered them by the lake; nuts not squirrels. today I finally ate one, three.  They are two years old, not fresh. tasty as a nut should be. chestnuts. Now i know them. Open your heart and you can too.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

a crowd of poets


a crowd of poets is a sad thing, 

there's no denying;

 we'll spend time holding hands 

when we're not crying.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

no bus, no tickets, no need


 sure i miss the bus rides;

 i'm not in Rome where i need to figure where to ride,

where to stop, how far to walk. 

i tell you, i miss looking out the home window, 

seeing the locals pass by,

while thinking it out, planning every bus i'll take. 

how far to the next change.

stores i need to stop at along the way. 

makes it easier if i have a plan before picking the route.

pick me up again, bring me back.

and how is it i run into friends

in the middle of the city?

Monday, November 23, 2020

daily bread ... train numbers

once a guy in our town
had the job to write down the numbers
of every train car as it entered the yard,
perhaps someone could recall his name, I can’t

another worker at that mill told me this years ago
witnesses at the time swore it was true
twelve or fifteen digits and letters on every train car
how many I’m not sure, there were quite a few

the man’d watch twenty, fifty, or a hundred cars pass
look at the numbers until the last car rolled on
half his job was complete when he saw the last
he’d go into the office and write the car numbers down

the trains go by inside my head
with numbers to recall
histories piled higher than daily bread
no way can i digest it all

everyday i write a review
most events true, others not.
nothing special 'bout what i do
some have value, some best forgot

Friday, November 20, 2020

ride along

you may have missed it,

Peru has had three

presidents in a week;  

2020 continues to be a strange year.

now, are you feeling better?

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

bad dog

  less is better, dear. 

don't know who said it.

if he's led out the door.

 as we move through the coming year

   we'll brighten better than before.



  less is better, dear,

if he's led out the door

 as we move through the coming year

   plan to brighten more.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

as always

 want to say this Ohio Saturday

went down cool, not terribly. meanwhile,

going through my old poems; took me

back where only time has changed.


right now there is no snow.

still early ... thinking what i'd do.

i'd purchase a monthly bus pass

to see the same old Roma,


have a pizza. take my time.

say hello to familiar faces.

oh, and have a coffee.

i think today i'd wear a mask ...


have another coffee and a cornetto.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

warm day

 a final warm day.

Weather, now leaning into winter. 

Shelby has been out of reach for breakfasts.

I want to go back to make corrections on an early post and the new blogger system makes it impossible for me to go back several years.  The old system operated quickly.  The new method is impossible for me.  I will cry here.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

ferlinghetti beat

in Sandusky, Ohio an ambitious woman began putting

in an art center. Lawrence Ferlinghetti

was invited.  he came; picked up a brush, 

began painting a modern picture on a wall;


later he asks for the section of the plaster wall he

painted be sent to his City Lights Bookstore

on a downtown corner in San Francisco. 

was it shipped?  i don't think so.


he was seventy then.

i remember him as old.

i'm 75 now ... still chasing beat poetry.

he's 101 now.


if he had donated his wall painting where 

it stood there is a chance it would 

still be there today.

well, good for Lawrence and his bookstore

in San Francisco.  I saw his corner everyday when i worked in the pyramid. 1981.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

eyes forwardish

 may as well quit crying over how it goes

as we try to work life out.

 heaven knows

we're about done,

time to   to enjoy the sun.

it's what life's about.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

events claim position in our minds

 the world series is over

and nary a thought is given.

hopefully, next week the election

will be in the same condition.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

don't you love the rain

i hear it while i'm sleeping

and it only awakens me occasionally.

i won't roll around looking to see it,

but when it's coming down

 i love the morning rain;

best is when i hear

the tapping drops. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

election tension

i must wait, see what.

can't have all the votes going my way.

it's unlikely, who'd believe it ?

anyway, it scares me so tension clings to me, 

wading deep with each news report. 

 reading the book in an easy chair, seems

the way to take it, with a page marker

plus time out for a nap and a coffee.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

slow day

 supposed to be warm now.

slow temperature climbing,

 the mail man's looking content.

 brought nothing special yesterday.

   imagine he's happy for a day without steady rain.

by late afternoon sun'll come though;

 it'll warm like they said.

can't help wait for the two old men debate.

Trump and Biden.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 running beyond October

shall be soon, with rain  in the leaves.

where we be going

do not confuse.

stack us up fine, 

love around is falling in those crispy colors

crinkling golden. the red is deeper than before.

geese will be honking.

you have to love this time of year

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

elections and further complications

 some news stories 

are hard to take or evaluate

cautiously medical personal creep ,,, 

 do they weep? Ohio has record covid cases

third day in a week,


the same America

how many buffalo did we kill?

i like desert gas stations.

 quiet out there

can we believe the news

what are we looking for.


Monday, October 12, 2020


 have to regain strength

so i'm standing on one foot

then the other, how's that?

i didn't think this up.

i'm sure doctors did, then

a young person gets a job showing

 me how to do it.

makes the money wheel spin.

keep america working. 

the virus runs again

where you been? 

Do it again.