Monday, June 03, 2019

been water

been sky
water falling regularly,
wet mornings we've seen.
sleep through the most of it.
downpours, shake the roof, that sort.

then pauses we'd have;
some days none.
none pauses. kept raining.

factually speaking,
we haven't seen a regular month,
kind we had and knew before
for a bit, for  a country while.
that's truth of the matter.
don't know if records broke,
but sounds like i got impressed.
did enough...yup.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

like a bomb

rapid expansion of the air
surrounding the lightening bolt at
1:43 this morning caused thunder
to echo a full minute as it continued the
sound on to Michigan or Pennsylvania.
i awoke a minute before,
had my senses when the explosion occurred.
vibrated the town,
sounded like a bomb.
an incredible boom.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

rifle me up some breakfast

the piano stumbled to a halt like a fallen horse.
the room got quiet.
she walked over, pad and pen ready,
with a lift of her eye
shot me the glance
i didn't pause, i let her have it:
2 up, rye toast;
i sat still, mouth closed after that.
she asked, no potatoes, bacon or pie?
i held the reins tight, my coach on course.
coffee me, please.
"What about fresh, smoking, cherry pie
warm out of the oven?"
she gave me that smile she was known for,
and nodded.
"not today, Mandy. as curly your hair,
as bright is your smile,
i'm holding...i'll play these, thank you."
and the piano started up again,
chatter all over, plates clinked,
chairs squeaked and movement
burst out everywhere.

Friday, May 31, 2019

hospital lobby

in the lobby i met another jack,
a hospital volunteer, he began talking to me;
explained, because he hit his head
and can't remember names, his wife left him.
i told Jack he'd probably remember my name.
(i wanted him to feel better so i didn't tell him
he probably wouldn't remember my face.)
every few minutes he told me about banging his head
while having fun playing the Rascals and the Turtles on his phone.
i wanted to read my book but he
held the music coming out of his phoneclose to my face.
i pulled back to focus my eyes on the phone,
but he said there was nothing to read on the phone.
i had to listen to the music.
he asked if i liked the rascals and the turtles
and i said "i think i did fifty years ago,  i don't remember."
Jack said they are his favorite groups.
they still are.
he saw them in concert.

only three of us were in the lobby.
a thin, slight, 20 year old roofer
moved closer to us to be nearer the festivities.
he wore old, worn, jeans,
no socks or shoes.
i first noticed him because he had, "no shirt?"
said he "got soaked."
a half-hour before it rained a storm's worth in five minutes.
i told him we were both named jack and asked his name,
i don't remember his name,
maybe the other jack does.
i asked why he's in hospital.
said, "a lump on my knee is getting larger...
insurance expires in two days."

Thursday, May 30, 2019

seasonal winds

500 reports of tornadoes in the last thirty days in the U.S.
i hope my Kansas family ducked trouble.
yesterday Ohio had 4 tornadoes...
we've 64 to 75 Fahrenheit cool.
another thing: i have to look up
how to spell Fahrenheit every time.
it is the practically silent first h i forget about.
now the more i say it, it louder it gets.
Fah-ren-heit. Fah, Fah, Fahrenheit.
still cool, talking weather,
running out of May.
run, run, running is no problem, uh spelling.
also, summer will get here, just saying.
and, think two h's in Fahrenheit.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

tension for the fans

a cold rainy night
went to bed early
heard in the morning
indians squeezed by boston

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

broken protocol

trains, as i've previously mentioned,
sound off when passing  through our town:
the sequence you hear is a
long, long, short long.
i've heard the train go by all my life,
today six shorts, a pause, 2 shorts
reviving the old time: shave and a haircut, two bits.
someone thought this funny,
a celebration of Memorial Day;
an offense to train protocol.
never heard it before,
hope i never do again.
i'm serious about trains.

Monday, May 27, 2019

a coffee aday

when i today sure searched finding
how coffee from drinking
is positine or negathon.
then reviewed my life and pal coffee,
to sit and have a cup.
to know by remembering seemed better than google,
as amn't in the state of complete burn out
from too much coffee, for sure.
get ready for this.
for can find not finding
no coffee they say,
no sleep, harm, harming
no cream so that's an okay.
no fat here, just a buzz;
knock yourself out.

Sunday, May 26, 2019


oh, coffee, please yes, starting with coffee.
thank you. nice to see you.
is this seat taken? well, heh heh,
yes, i'm sitting here.
you're my what?
i mean, no kidding...
sure i do.
that's right. i wouldn't forget.
you've got that look about you.
say, while we're talking,
you know i received emails about new books,
you know how many?
right, nod your head, mega plenty. plentissimo.
titles more than i can handle
coffee i can handle, you were ready weren't you.
thank you.
sure i know you.

rhythm and rhyme
poems take time.
no doubt, take them out,
shake 'em like a rug.
until they shine.
going to make it mine,
before i give it away.

Friday, May 24, 2019

if cows could talk to me

if cows could talk to me
that would be interesting;
don't have one,
haven't seen one face to face for a while
just thinking of the eyes,
one large eye on each side
big and brown. looking,
nearly thinking of something, the cow.
calm, for the most part.
depends, mostly.
apparently content.

began my day

began my day
knee deep in Facebook,
to see who is doing what hey?
what do you say, go out to eat?
she give the nod.
then off to our favorite haunt.
roads away.

we glide into place.
full of quiet talk.
it's humming,
plates, forks and coffee pouring.
steaming hungry, you'd think so
by the way i order breakfast;
double fisted all is resolved.
pancakes in syrup and butter.

to home going when passing
a field of yellow flowers,
pointing says she to look.
a blur we go by.
feeling fresh morning it's the coffee i remember.

I have done to satisfaction when taken to a point near confusion. Did you manage?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

until then

in a while i'll close my eyes,
until then
tell me again...
so in my room late at night

with the window open...
trains passing in the distance,
i hear the music from nearby homes
alive on summer nights,

voices of people and their melodies
come to me over fields,

i'll think of nights that could be magic;
and with music playing fall asleep.

Annie said...
In the quiet of the night, every sound is memorable, and something about the cadence and imagery of your poem is both melancholy and peaceful at the same time. Wishing you magic.
from Monday, July 09, 2012

Monday, May 20, 2019

chase gave

we rolled out yesterday
to see our young friend;
Chase Castle, with a recent bachelor degree
in keyboard performance from Baldwin Wallace,
soon to work on a doctor of philosophy,
has given concerts in eleven states.
last night played organ concert at
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Norwalk, Ohio.
76 people were in audience.
didn't punch tickets, the number in the crowd
is my guess; one young couple among elders.
chase played the keyboard in the balcony.
all watched on jumbotron.
as he reeled off an hour of solemn songs.
one sing along had the crowd metaphorically
eating out of his hands.
at the finale all applauded heartily. i never heard cheering
in a church before, but all in attendance were ready.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

eyebrows are

eyebrows are so
you can look startled
curious, interested,
or angry.

eyelids are for winking
and closing out light
the part of the night
when you're sleeping.

crying is for babies
and feeling better, after.

From July 2016. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

donny boy

have a goat, his name is don.
doesn't mind if i get on
and ride like the wind.

he plays horse, of course.
and i'm cowboy.
jumping fences. in the wind.
jumping fences in the wind.

any old morning.
or middle of the night,
running full in starlight.
jumping fences in the wind,
jumping fences in the wind.

Friday, May 17, 2019


this morning 9:15 an explosion.
the house shook with the boom.
that's the essence of this poem.
noteworthy: power's gone.
a puff of smoke cleared half a block away.
all is silent, also worth note.
city workers walking by out front
said a transformer blew, they pointed.
here no need to heat or cool.
as weather's in the middle,
neither hot nor cold.
patience is required and all will be fine.
city workers are on the job.
meanwhile our coffee is made and cooling.
we'll soon be up and running.
i made this note.
while keeping an eye out.
you never can tell.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

sun angle in may

the angle of the morning sun
perfect and bright
like the moon last night,
just right.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


to cleveland, wasn't my plan.
have to follow the program,
actually don't have to,
but pieces fall together smother
excuse me, smoother,
together smoother when
my part of the program
is handled as written,
as set out, as expected by others
who depend on me.
besides, my insurance covers me.
so there it is.
now you want roses added
and make this a love poem?
darling, here they are, metaphorically.
program complete.

Monday, May 13, 2019

sky moans

not a patch of blue
only a slowly rotating blanket of darkness
whispering wet morn.
day after day storms hang close.
the last bumped north, growling.
now in line to catch more
it drips the roof hello.
rainy days, we know you.
no need to go out to feel water.
won't plant vegetables today,
better inside, dry
seeing through foggy windows.
look at the puddles, 
hear tapping on the roof.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

directionally clear

got out my ship compass 
to check.
with paper, pen, tape.
i labeled from the center.
north is the refrigerator,
that way, south is the rocking chair.
so we can head around knowing
where we are and how to get there.
totally directionally clear.