Tuesday, September 23, 2008


ideal passengers we
flew west and saw

antelope island at great salt lake
claims two million tons of salt, how’d they figure?
now there are four hundred bison
on this barren, treeless island, more or less

the island named by explorer John Fremont,
Kit Carson and others, who said they shot two antelope for food to eat
and named the island in tribute and thanks to the animals

Sundance in the mountains, as you’d expect,
wonderful, beautiful, tastefully done
excellent brunch
Rob Redford was a no show

a good
time had
by all ,
by-by all


Anonymous said...

Dove è quello magnifico Utah ?
Questo poema dami l'invidio di partire camminare nelle vostre bellissime montagne ...

Anonymous said...

Où est ce magnifique Utah ? Ce poême me donne l'envie de partir marcher dans vos belles montagnes.

Anonymous said...

What is't this magificous Utah ? Whith this poetry I feel like walking to your beautiful mountains ...

jack sender said...

Try to Google it. Oh, and tell your shrink where you're going.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm European and knew only Utah Beach American Memorial ... of the liberation from June 6, 1944, whose I'm in a way as it were survivor.
Now I see with you but not with shrink, and cause I understand what I no saw Utah in United States ...

Anonymous said...

Grazie per il consiglio ho capito subito con lei perchè non vedevo Utah in America ...

Anonymous said...

Nous cherchons toujours dans l'obscurité à tâtons ce qui n'est visible qu'avec le coeur...

jack sender said...

aria, ho captito iL tuo francaise, ma non il tuo Italiano.

Anonymous is the easy way to sign a comment, but not as friendly.

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