Monday, November 17, 2008

To Stand In The Way

at the grocery store one clerk and two women
stand around a cart, talking in the doorway,
either Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changing
was not translated into Italian, or they didn’t care

“don’t stand in the doorway, don’t block up the hall” - they do,
they make a habit of it, when tired, they look for doorways.
there is a busy street, heavy traffic, buses, a church
steps in front leading to a two foot wide sidewalk, then traffic.

there, directly in front of the church,
in the center of the tiny walkway
a mature woman stops to dig, dig and dig for
something deep, deep in the bottom of her purse

if i said anything she’d be surprised she blocked the way.
so either i wait and prey in front of the house of God
that she finishes and moves on,
or i can just go to hell and wait there


Anonymous said...

This is great - especially as I'm a music person, and often run lines of lyrics through my head to match a situation. And thanks for the weather from Rome and Ohio-by-extension in your comment on mine; snow it is! Or, was.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the way the last line comes in and the Bob Dylan reference!