Sunday, May 03, 2009


walking down the grey street
i think about when i was
lying in bed and remember
waking at four with ideas
hitting me in the head
like dropping golf balls
in a porcelain bathtub
blam, blam, blam

and i duck to no avail
deal with them later
and wonder how, holy cow
would an open umbrella help
Plink, plink what do you think
What do you say, but the golf balls
dropping bam, blam, bam, ping, ping, ideas
hitting me and I write ‘em down as they fall
work them over, rush them out,
i’m in clover,
then fall back asleep

until morning comes, when all is quiet
dawn as it ought to be
so was i walking
down the street
i think
was i


TomC said...

Now you have me imagining golf balls bouncing in a bathtub. They are making an amazing racket.

Andy Sewina said...

This made me smile!