Sunday, May 17, 2009

the robinses

their new nest where last year's was
on the top of the trellis by a corner of our house
three eggs, one already hatched
if we walk near it disturbs the elders

mother leaves and father warms and watches
or mother waits and father picks up food for all
the hardest working birds are robins
and it’s just begun

another month and the
youngsters will be hoping in the yard
parents will instruct how to find food
kids start slowly, but they learn


Annie said...

Hi Jack, My husband and I went through a period of time where we traveled to Central Florida nearly every other weekend to watch nesting Bald Eagles care for their young, at a place called Prairie Lakes. This poem reminds me of that time. The eagles go back to the same nest every year, too!

jack sender said...


Just yesterday around our pond in the back yard, my wife pointed up where a bald eagle was gliding by only a few hundred feet overhead. There are many of them around northern Ohio.

There was an old nest that's gone now, near one of our main roads. We used to look for it every time we drove by. It looked as large as a Volkswagon.

I just asked my wife what happened to it and she said it is still there.

Annie said...

The last time we checked, months ago now, our favorite nest was gone, probably blown down by a hurricane, along with the tree, but there are bald eagles in the area, so one day maybe we'll discover they are back.