Wednesday, June 03, 2009

the wall

the wall between us
is nearly transparent
as i can see
we can live within, i have found

and walk around half off the ground
through misty vapors
crowned with windows
to gothic cathedral height

invisible as sweet music
unfolding with the stars at night
treading softly on the grass
all seems so profound

as easily we pass
turning to the sound
with outstretched arms
we circle, around, around and around

enough of this that both
gladdens and saddens me
it is for you too
look around, go and see
i am yours, you are mine
we share the way
it’s ours this day
if we’re so close
why are you always
on the other side?


Annie said...

Hi Jack, Another strong ending. A beautiful poem.

jack sender said...


I've tormented with this one for over a year. It was longer with more involved, different segments. It has been changed and rearranged twenty, thirty - many times.

regarding the ending: I finally decided to put the poem out, and leave it with cryptic distance between the two people in the poem, who consequently represent the writer and the reader.