Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cole Porter

a fine composer
come and gone
before our time
lasting beyond

if he were a painter
there could be a wall
to pass everyday
with an image

why not display
an audio fragment
of great works
in public places

to hear a phrase
be reminded of the gift
to all of us

every time we say
i cry
a little

beloved artists
to light the way
for the world ahead

i’d rather my tax dollars
bought art
instead of
arms and prisons


Julie said...

Sorry to pelt you with so many comments on the same day. I know I'm a pain...heh. Just had to say it here. Fine poem! I read it before but didn't comment, because I didn't want to be a pain. The poem is so true, and I love the rhythm.

jack sender said...

there are groups putting up poetry here and there around the country.

if they can put up a few select poetic words that could be seen at a glance it could catch on.

this had nothing to do with your comment. i don't know what happened. i guess something got me thinking. (old habit) no, wait. it was what i said in the poem that i was thinking about.

geeze, i respond to a comment and don't come back for twenty minutes.