Sunday, February 21, 2010


evaluating after, how it came to pass,
the quick visit, our participation
they came, we there for them here,
around Roma then beyond, hang on

between rains and scattered sunshine
a meal to remember, the man, the ambiance, flavors,
a train ride, hilly green country along the way
photos taken, everywhere history on display,

people rushing, passing glimpses, no names,
man with blue funny hat, beggars, young people talking loudly,
others become connections, we talk, exchange names
proving - open of mind you discover

had to pay eleven euro to enter the museum
my birthday 65 is next week, then i enter free damn me free,
the young man at the counter said his line as it was written,
i saw it as a chance for humanity to work out details together,
overall i was seven days short and eleven euro lighter

back to their trip, in a nutshell, made choices
saw this, missed this other
no time for that, or i didn’t think of it
or was closed for the day, save some for next time

overall , the familial trip ends, what said remembered sketchy
air plane in, air plane out
flash trip snap, then zap, it’s over
Kodak had it right, we need photos,
besides - that’s what drawers are for


Annie said...

It all happens so fast, doesn't it- but you're good at slowing things down, evaluating, so good times can be remembered. Your poems and paintings are a wonderful record of that. Happy Birthday, Jack!

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, I really liked this one, the way you sum everything up and put it in a nutshell! (your words)

The last four lines, are really really fast and say so much, I think they could/would work as a stand alone poem sometime ~ micro fiction, eat your heart out.