Wednesday, November 16, 2011

i write
i read
don’t request them
then look for comments anyway
do the necessities
keep things in order as best i can
my sister had a stroke recently.
also, and this also is an integral part of the whole;
i wrote my wife today and she agreed,
it is all passing so quickly.


TomC said...

I do the same... look for comments that is... remark on how quickly time passes that is. I would love more of both but am pretty happy with what little of each I get.

Hannah Stephenson said...

When my husband or I are dreading something, we always play this game where we say, "Ok, after it's over, let's remember when we said we were dreading it, and how quickly it'll be done." And it really is remarkably true.

Annie said...

Time is passing much too quickly, but you fill it, Jack, in meaningful ways- and what I appreciate, is that you share your thoughts and observations with your readers. I'm sorry about your sister.

I thrive on comments, and I don't often get them, but when I do, I appreciate them so much, and I appreciate friends like you and Tom and Hannah.