Wednesday, October 24, 2012

parked i am

still trees, open arms
above early fallen leaves
near where parked i am
on a bench in this park

around the pigeons hunt and peck
bob heads in time to internal music
no wheels needed, pigeons these,
hop decked in curiosity

central bronze statue of a man with a finger
that marks page in book held low at his side
seated, nearly reclined, as if sleeping
other hand to forehead, eyes closed

dallying as i do, making notes un sung
in a sign of my times
this another october,
this fair sunny day

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hi Jack,
I've read this poem more than once, and I appreciate your skill all the more each time I read it, falling into its imagery and cadence. It's a sleepy day poem with vitality. The second stanza is clever and unique, with my favorite line: hop decked in curiosity. I also enjoy the opening "scene setting" stanza; and the clever title: parked I am; as if the speaker of the poem is also another one of the park's "installations," or simply to mean, I am parked in the park. I also like the "still trees with open arms," and "around the pigeons hunt and peck..." So, all in all, I appreciate it all, and this sharing of a simple day that matters.