Friday, October 11, 2013

root spring

from roots deep we spring
as child with family and pets,
friends, cousins, uncles and aunts.
in school and holidays, we grow

a spinning maze
overlapped and interlaced
in motion.  when in a flash
we're old and recall gone days

then in a breath
we are back
to where are
our roots


Marja said...

Very nice We are connected with our roots which is an important part

Marja said...

Very nice We are connected with our roots which is an important part

jack sender said...

Thank you, Marja. Yes, the roots get us here; then like a picked apple, free of the tree, we can roll around. We're still identified as to who and what we are.

Annie said...

I love how this poem opens, the rhythm and sound and meaning of it, "from roots deep we spring...," and then how it closes in a circular fashion.

jack sender said...

Thank you, Margo and Annie.
I should get in the habit
of commenting on the comments
to make it appear there is more going on here than is going on here.

Annie said...

But the comments back is part of what is going on here. It's the conversation about the poems that makes the comments significant. Often, the poet can add through the comments, their process in writing the poem; or just let the reader feel the appreciation for recognizing the poem as a gift.

jack sender said...

There is quite a discussion going on her, annie. I've been writing poetry for fifty-four yers that i can verify, probably longer, but earlier attempts were lost; so i take poetry personally. i get involved.

as a career i have been a reader and writer all of my life. working with words is what i have always done and been paid for, as a reader and as a writer.

poems are a reward and a gift for me. if they are liked, i should be happy, but reward hasn't been my intention in poetry. it is expression, mood, feeling, and i want to like it too.

at this time of my life i play the balance of thought, trimming, rearranging and probably a lot of other things tht don't pop into my head right now. I like the skill of making it feel easy, even when i may labor weeks until a work feels right.

talking about it, i could; however this is discussion and quite a different head that i wear when i'm thinking about it e.g. thinking about it is how it comes about for me. i make notes all day, everyday and put the pieces together; and that is another process. let me say that a majority of the pieces are never in the running for completion.

my personal thought about writing is: i wonder what i'll think of next. I hope it is worthwhile.
I sure have enjoyed the good writing I have read and look forward to new discoveries. Annie, will you have my children? they are both over forty and shouldn't be hard to take care of. i love the unexpected. it makes me smile.

jack sender said...
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