Wednesday, June 23, 2021

lunch out

Get in the car, we're on the way.

I'll take us for for a look at the town on the other side.     

At least it's not far, and it's a good thing I can drive. 


i was hoping you'd say that ...  Prove it.

put your seat buckle on.


call it East of here. easy ride

my guess is my best.


Are you talking to yourself or are you trying to confuse me? Be quiet and look out the window. Now, what was I saying?

You were talking about our ride, and I'm waiting for you to tell me you want to stop for some ice cream.


That's the best idea you've had for a long time. What are you singing?

I made it up ... Buckle up and ride a little closer dear; we'll swim in summer water that's warm and clear.


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