Wednesday, August 14, 2019

early america

went back
to a corner in america,
checked it out a few days.
how different to go there,
was like another country.
so quiet; with more trees than automobiles.
silence the way it used to be.

back then,
shorty after the united states was found
the population leaped in number.
they wanted more room.

the first town in the country's western expansion
is Marietta, on the Ohio River.
across from West Virginia.
so may trees all around.

we went through the old village and cemetery.
in the center saw the ancient Indian mound.
then rode a paddle wheeler to an island,
where we took a wagon drawn by two horses.
deer in a field stood still, looked back at us.
stopped in two museums.

the trip took us back in time.
many workers wore costumes of the past.
in all,  it was a good trip, different;
a good time
on a hot august day.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

italian holiday

Ferragusto, a public holiday. Introduced by Gaius Octavius 'Augustus'
after his victory over Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium on 2 September, 31 BC.

time to escape the heat,
anywhere you can go;
at the mountains, lakes or seaside.
it'll be a long weekend celebration or most of august.
friends and family gather
for the Italian mid-August summer holiday
with music, food, wine, and joy.
in the hills, on farms, in villages...
summer's celebration.
Don't you love it.

Monday, August 12, 2019

light summer rain

driving easy through light summer rain,
refreshing fields and flowers.

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Quiet, easy.
Move with the sun.

Friday, August 09, 2019

the team

young and old together, excited talking fans standing ready
for the gates to open,
soon to be electrified by the game;
a double-header.

at last gates open...the crowd comes apart.
we burst in en masse.

our seats are good,
we overlook the diamond and field,
so do the rest of 38 thousand
Cleveland Indianites.

we are the fans, we cheer.
a fight until the end, both ends.
our team is victorious - twice.

from the shire

look and see, anonymous commented,
and there must be a group,
because they claim to be starting a
"new scheme in our community." those words caught my attention. it seems my writing has "performed a formidable process." does that seem right to you? now their entire community, i don't know how large it is, will probably be grateful. later someone will conclude success evidently. what does this mean? give me a simple happy face with birds in the breeze on wing gliding o'er the lake.

Monday, August 05, 2019


Lenovo i've had five years,
open it everyday
and didn't know the name of this computer.
call it Becky...or Bob.
no, bob sounds too much like
fishing things in the water,
called a bobber. i more or less googled that.
that's me and fishing, don't know to call bobbers.

breakfast in Shelby, in celebration of not being there a week.
the first string working today, all okay.
Mandy 2 did our coffee, Mandy 1 took the order
and delivered.

sky is good, weather fine.
heading home, down the line
a young Mennonite in long
dress and bonnet on a bicycle,
pulled happy kid in a wagon
who calmly looked around
comfortably taking in the position
he was in on a light breeze, sunny,
warm august morning.

he'll learn different things, different ways,
but won't know the name of my computer either.
please may he have a pond and a bobber.

i know: some are capitalized
later i may determine what is important

Or quit worrying about it.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Why my phone rings


Hi, this is Holly Jones from the prophecy department.

Say what? 

Hi, this is Holly Jones from the prophecy department.

You called me for something...a reason?

hmmm, packed

so much to read.
it is a pleasure
to absorb what others write;
of course, the volume is tremendous
i can't keep up. it's outa sight.

reading is enjoyable.
i'll take a few drops;

although now i'll pause
to think of ice cream, perhaps
take action, a few spoons full.

remember earlier we fought cold,
persistent showers, near freezing, wet;
now the time is baseball and ice cream.
so enjoy yourself.
coming up in a few weeks
will be sweet corn.
ah, the changing seasons.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

car over

I have seven empty eyeglass cases on the counter in the other room. The glasses are here and there. One pair I am wearing. A new pair will arrive Friday or Saturday. She told me to throw away the old empty cases. I'm thinking about it, not overly or seriously.
Let me correct that: six cases...I counted.
This paragraph is a chapter in
Taking Care of Counting.
However, nothing was thrown away or accomplished.
everyday i sing a song for you, meri sweetheart.
now you see i'm being tested for my head workings;
wow, they can do a new reworking.
a shortcut to happiness, soon as i get plugged in.
they can, but they won't;
probably it's too dangerous.
i fabricated that anyway, they can't make me better
by plugging me into their wall socket.

ok, now; going to see the Cleveland Indians.
then, doctor/wise, real testing...the type done to old people.

if you have insurance get on board.
i would not pay for it out of my pocket.
ballgame first, then next day doctoring,
so close, driving wise.

wait all winter for warmer days
to drift the river
taking the turns and straights,
going nowhere in particular,
what summer is for.
we can think so,
and remember, love, the Pleiades,
there is nothing brighter.

would like to take the bright stars in from the Pacific.
so where is my boat now?

Monday, July 29, 2019

ohio roading

big sign for a bump in the road...
what they don't tell...on a scale from 1 to ten.
a swing left Around a tractor.

then saw a house on a lake on the highway.
going easy;
stopped at a hand painted sign
in Sullivan for a chicken dinner.
they said now it's hot dogs and hamburgers...
chicken starts at four o'clock.
got back in the car and started for home.

Monday, July 22, 2019

rain steady on

the weather seems steady.
we have rain again,
it's not the rolly, fat cloud, stormy kind we had for a month.
this is rain regular, thank you.
other parts of the country may be filling up soggy.
we're handling it. it's running off, somehow.
our fields aren't puddles
but i wouldn't want to run a tractor in it..

i'm listening to myself
thinking that i'm not talking about
faces i see on the city streets of Rome.
for the lack of those daily familiars  my heart aches.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

hot yes

thickated, the time of year.
plants are full, leaves are all out.
carrying wads of green
more than you've seen
for a while,
oh, full summertime.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

on an elevator

to the next person on a crowded elevator he says,
“Hey, a couple of lifetimes ago we were
both Indians and we used to hunt together.”
the person he had spoken to glanced over and said,
“Are you talking to me?”

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

geese around these parts

the large black and white Canadian geese know their own reflection in the lake.
would vent their wings to find me if they knew i had corn...a handful in my pocket.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

found stones

nearly time for the show,
things to be a participant.
checked all shelves and drawers,
every pocket. 
then got 'em, to my relief they turned up,
found the tickets. good looking tickets.
made with care.
time was short, had to leave now.
hummed a tune to myself all the way.
when i got to the exhibit
filed in with the rest, in order.
line kept moving.
yes, very crowded.
at the show looked with pleasure.
partly sunny, cool, light wind, and comfortable.
stones on the beach
are well shaped, softly colored,
attractive to spellbinding.
now the tough part:
long ago i heard, though it's wild, you don't take
rocks away from anywhere,
leave them where they are.

Monday, July 15, 2019

doing life

how are we?
working hard, sleeping well,
eating right, exercising?
make a list.
keep in line.
oh...enjoy life.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

folded mountain

a beer from Rochester, New York is what i'm talking about here.
first time i heard of it.
the beer. i heard of Rochester.
the beer is called folded mountain.
not surprised. they had to come up with a name for the beer...could have been happy mountain.
5.8 percent alcohol.  got that?
okay, so, it's a hot day.
went to the porch.
sat in the shade.
sipped in the shade. ole'
drank my beer...most of it.
wanted a smoke,
thought of it; it's been a month.
so give me a break.
oh, i'll get over it...again.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


postal worker
drove by today.
leaving nothing.
thus creating

go warm Sunday
who turned up the heat?

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

turn to good weather

sunshine roars in,
working on golden sweet corn,
also readying, heavy, juicy water melons.
you know the kind.
 then on a twelve hour from Boston drive,
hug hi niece, hello eat next day go,
she's three more hours to Indiana.
 while here awhile, all kept rolling.
hiya summertime some, been watching for you, and enjoy what a season, thankful for all we are. 

Monday, July 08, 2019

chill dawn

chill dawn
on the road to shiloh.
a violet, rose haze,
with blue on edges of far fields.

1844 carved on the stone house on a rise.
other old homes
blanketed in vinyl.
all barns red, newly covered in looks like tin.

there's no balloon on earth
like the fiery red sun
rising in all her glory,
marking the start of new day

This last set of four lines I wrote so long ago.  I can't locate the original text, and I see there is a problem...I want to get it right. now the "marking the start of new day" has the meter.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

growing corn

you drive along
then park in the lot by the fence;
so you can get out and walk the field
feel the heat doing a burn
it's how you learn
what a sunny day feels like doing a job
right now on the cob.
waving in the wind, getting tall.
the corn is coming up i see,
now you can bet there'll be an ear for me,
i'm getting ready, going home,
fetch butter and salt...that's all i need.
what summer's all about.

Saturday, July 06, 2019


a 7. quake in California,
50 miles in a line to our mountain land
where we lived when we married.
the shake would have had our attention.
now thinking of Jerry in his grave by our cabin
i'm sure made a joke before he cried.

Friday, July 05, 2019

do not lose your head, yet

Shakespeare today
a three hour play,
measure for measure,
in wilting hot weather
with windows open.
am i thee not kidding,
or am i? or am i?
a with his...
at times culture is needed

a shake at wendy's may save me.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

ole, ole

chickens and the cows don't mind,
if you're the kind
to have eggnog on the fourth of July

ole. get it going, buttercup,
every time, it'll be fine. ole, ole
hold the line, Zabaione
happy holiday.

i think of eggnog,
for my Italian friends,
call it what it is: Zabaione, oh yeah. ole.

Zabaione: the thought
that will not go away

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

your dad

got hot here.
ninety-two road melting
degrees...and humid.
indoors is cool air fine

how is your living going?
are you still the head dog? 
Meri told me the term today.  
Alpha Dog. yeah. there you are.

and she has a bunny in her garden now.
it is eating the purple plant, 
larkspur, expendable; but i'm
sure it'll develop new appetites.

thought to write you
something...but i
forgot what
but not you.

we got 68 mpg with our 2017 KIA Nero today. 
wanna spread the word. don't see their advertising.
got 58 mpg on the second half of a thirty mile trip.  
the air conditioner took the mileage down.

you made me smile
and you didn't do anything.
see how easy...
love your dad

Sunday, June 30, 2019

the game

game begins, this is major league baseball;
right away it's 2-0, 
then 3-0, made me flinch.
end of first inning, it's 4-0.
the game just started.

end of the second inning,
the pace picked up,
went to bed.

woke for a final listen on the radio, 
seventh inning, 9-0
really, really went to bed.

woke game over, heard it ended: 13-0
stains one's impression of the home team, 
the good guys.

is the feeling everlasting?
how could it isn't even July.
fall is the big time,
and always, always there is hope again next season.

cancel, cancel
second game the following day against the same bottom ranked 
Baltimore Oriels and our hometown heroes lose again  
by the identical score 13 - zero. 

but i write more. these are the golden boys of summer who two years ago in 2017 won a record setting 22 games in a row.

now Rocky Colavito is touring with his book. in 1959 when i was 14 and routing for him he was Cleveland's outfielder and hit an amazing four home runs in one game.

gee the seasons change,
yet they do go on.

Friday, June 28, 2019

let us

lettuce tastes good;
can add the high point
one a sunny hot lunch day,
meant on a sunny,
there a difference
is well enough,
when in soaring high temps,
shell we, by the sea say?
yes, lettuce. pretty well.
is swell. swell enough.
day's hot. what we've got.
out of space, outer space.
lettuce taste.
brakes on. brake is on.
bake is on.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

summer regular

creep along the road
by the fields of wheat;
rained the other day,
wasn't it neat.

hot, yeah, turn up the heat,
cook your brains a while,
then smile, smile, smile.
we loves ya, doll-baby.

i'll take summer regular
the way i do recall,
a light wind, we had rain.
now...not at all, not at all.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

sunday now

sky is mostly blue,
good to see it for a change.
weather is drying, first time in a while.

what i know about farming is nothing.
i can only read reports in the news,
already a day old when i write it.

will some farmers plant today...i can't say.
i read they need, desperately need a few days dry weather.
they'll see what's ready...when it is.

i'm able to read reports and hope the best
for them, for fields, for us.
planting is serious and farming is a gamble.