Sunday, August 24, 2008


having moved away, I’m now back
in the town pokey to change,
when a guy i grew up with
i meet up with again just today

we were kids together,
never ran in the same crowd,
he’s two years older,
but, of course, knew each other

he volunteered to catch a troublesome groundhog
came over immediately,
wouldn’t take money for the job well done,
there were smiles and a handshake

not a lot of words, not a lot of questions,
nothing to prove, no points to be made,
we get along just fine,
i know him, he knows me, always have

sure time has passed,
we've lived our years apart,
but life, you see, just goes like that,
in this pokey little village where we got our start


TomC said...

Yup Jack Sender, you are right there smack in the middle of motherhood and apple pie country. I miss it. It was cathartic to visit after damn near fifty years. I plan to visit again and soak up the atmosphere sometime again in the next fifty.

jack sender said...

ah come, tc. the object of poetry is to sound good. i downloaded a truth meter for this blog and broke it the first day.

jack sender said...

okay . . another stretch of the truth. this village is kinda okay, weather permitting.