Sunday, September 21, 2008

Poetry I Hate

i hate using that word hate
i hate it, haven’t you learned anything?
it’s silly to hate
unless you're talking beheadings
or sitcom reruns

give me a break
i hate that too, break what?
bally wallys?
how about it? i think i could develop
a long term, serious
ballsup and retching
dislike for that too

hey, "ballsup"
that’s mine
i made that up
stick your happy face on it, vandal,
if you’d be ever so kind
soon as you withdraw your head out of your . . .
oh, never mind


Mongoose said...

Oh, I like this one. :)

jack sender said...

Okay, Papoose, thanks for turning yourself in. Your taste has now been verified as questionable. Future comments, although appreciated, will be red flagged.

the owner