Sunday, November 09, 2008

hello bob

hello old bob evans without music
we’re back in style
did you miss us? we just put in our order
how much oatmeal can i eat
before i turn into one myself?

i’m a day behind on louis l’amour
no, i finished him, i forgot
i’m in china now, literally, that’s right
living with a mother and daughter in a detention camp
and enjoying the cultural revolution
well, i am enjoying the story that is.
breakfast i’ll enjoy when it gets here

tuesday i fly to Roma
it’s than time again, so soon
later that usual, how quickly it arrives
the faster it goes, the slower we get
Roma is old, and I’m getting there myself
well, I’m not flying, the plane is


Anonymous said...

Good travelling, enjoy !

Deborah Godin said...

That's a wild and crazy poem - I lke it!

jack sender said...

deborah, i see you're in ontario.
we're on the u.s. side, and i could never understand why that name everything here North Coast this and North Coast that. I always thought we were on the South coast of Lake Erie. So you and i we see it the same way.

thank for leaving a comment.
for more crazy poems check the ones i've marked as "just for fun".

SandyCarlson said...

That's, as Deb said, a wild and crazy poem. And I enjoyed it very much.