Friday, December 19, 2008

time to be wasting

awakened by the thunder boom
to start to another brutal rainy day,
below now, from the window i see
squatty dogs in sporty plaid slickers
out for a float and a crap
then home for a nap
while hard strung owners, with plastic bags,
chase down the street
before it gets away, faraway
before crap gets away,
a somber melody
in the key of life
for the eternal city


Anonymous said...

"while hard strung owners, with plastic bags,/chase down the street"

Yeah, that's dog ownership right there. Merry [expletive deleted] Christmas to you too!

Annie said...

I love your observations, sometimes a commentary on the wonder of life, and sometimes on the inanity, and sometimes just a chronicle, and sometimes all three. What a picture this poem makes!:

"squatty dogs in sporty plaid slickers, out for a float and a crap, then home for a nap..."