Friday, February 06, 2009

all roads lead to Rome, more or less

a partial sun sparkle through bright clouds
is fine for a drive out of the city
until time to return becomes a curious
many hilled meander, for all roads
lead to Rome, or so it appears
according to all road signs

believing the signs can get you lost,
run you in circles, nick your patience,
rob you of hope, reroute you once
or twice through the nearby states of
confusion and despair before you
finally bumble-roam home into Rome


TomC said...

Time for a GPS system Jack - prepare for a miracle in navigation assistance!

jack sender said...


We bought a ten year old ford fiesta with 43kometers on it. don't need a garage, we need a showroom. it's clean enough to park in the kitchen but we live on the second floor.

Plus, we both already have GPS - Gomer Pyle Syndrome.

jack sender said...

That's 43 thousand kilometers,
about 26 thousand miles.