Sunday, May 31, 2009

beyond the pale

the one left in tall grass
behind the building out back
there is no hope
there just plain is

screw loose and fancy free
I have the time
and the inclination
don’t forget loveable

too bad I’m not magnetic
with an important message
like one you love and stuck on the refrigerator
but know so well by heart you ignore it


Annie said...

This poem is more esoteric than the poems you usually post. I like it. I'm re-reading, multiple times, and getting more meaning each time I read it, and I love the final stanza. Thank you for posting it.

jack sender said...

thank you for reading it, Annie.

i like esoteric.

Julie said...

That last stanza is fan-freaking-tastic. In other words, I love it.

TomC said...

I like how you observe detail of everyday life (Herb and a refrigerator magnet) and make it, well... poetic. We once had a magnet with my favorite expression; "Did I Tell You Today That I Love You"? I am not going to tell you that I love you but I will say you have made me a reader of poetry (yours only)... no small achievement Jack.

jack sender said...

thank you all.

the ending is like dancing closely with a wonderful mysterious someone, and as the music swells you realize a dog has been peeing on your shoe and there is a dagger in you ribs.