Thursday, October 08, 2009

snow birds

while what i write of frogs, robins
eagles, egrets and blue jays is true,
these small dark birds are unknown to me
they may be what some call snow birds

thirty or forth going fast, no pattern
landing everywhere in the yard
on the lawn, bushes, lily pads
the plank over the pond

completely scattered and quick,
when i stepped out on the porch
they departed, in many directions
not together, but nearly at the same time

the weather is chill now
already growing late fall
they may be what some call snow birds
for sure, can’t say, i’ve no idea at all


Julie said...

I love the sound of the words and the wonder in the voice, which is one reason why I love your poems. Now you've got me wondering, too. Maybe the birds are Juncos? I don't know. Another type of snow bird I have seen has white hair and plays golf...haha.

The first stanza pulls me right in with the list of birds. The last stanza leaves me with the same urge to know. Right on, Jack.

Annie said...

I was thinking, too, the dark eyed slate colored junco. I can visualize the birds landing, and then scattering.

jack sender said...

two for the junco. could be. folks round here get stuck naming birds after robins and seagulls. they do better with perch and catfish.

jack sender said...

and they know the name of every player on the Tribe and the Bucks.

jack sender said...

Ok, M. said. I didn't believe her. They came back the next day. I saw she's right. They're sparrows.