Sunday, November 08, 2009

get out of nature's way

don’t fight
let it
pile on

it just occurred to me after
filling another bag for collection
that maybe God didn’t want
us to rake leaves

let them be
under the trees
on the ground
blow around

make piles and jump on
roll around in them
like kids will do
if we let 'em

away with sterile spots
without an itsy bitsy piece of leaf,
little baby trees are working to grow
you know, let them go

see what nature has in mind
for one thing golf would be another game
with a much larger ball, cabbage size
so you could find it

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hi, Jack. I love it, especially the humor in the voice. I love what it's saying, too. Out here in the country, I can't understand why I see people killing themselves on a beautiful afternoon. I see some who literally try to remove every leaf in a ten acre radius. Makes no sense to me. The unraked places are much prettier.

Beautiful work, Jack. Your words make me smile. That's a treat on a Monday.