Wednesday, January 20, 2010

time like olden days

time like olden days
lives on little lanes
off main crowded ways
when it's sunny or it rains

a lone sturdy woman
shorter then we
and rounder too
in lengthy dark country dress

carries a covered box in her hands
and a large open cardboard box
piled high with clothing
balanced atop her head

steady duck walking
oblivious to us she ambles by
showing her skill and no concern
in a manner that tireless practice has endowed


Julie said...

I always wondered how they could do that. You're right...lots of practice. I like the woman a lot and can picture her "duck walking" down the road in her dark, country dress. Survival...human spirit...all good.

Annie said...

Your opening lines draw me right in: "Time like olden days lives on little lanes..."