Friday, November 05, 2010

Kindled Spirit

so long used book sale at the library
you won’t have me to kick around,
for i’ve a Kindle. i think that’s how they spell it,
i’ll check and let you know.

ok, so, now i’m all out head down walking,
cause i’m reading.
going along without wires
like the circus aerial performer without a net,

only it’s not glide-walking overhead,
it’s normal reading.
all right then, not exactly like the circus.
so never mind,

except it’s great.
now, step aside,
i’ve a Kindle,
and that is how to spell it, exactly.

so long now, I’ve got to sink into it.
oh, by the way, M. got it for me.
it was very nice of her
to belly flop me into the 21st Century.


Annie said...

Hi Jack,
Be sure to tell us what you think of it. I thought, of all people, you would resist- but how can you refuse such a wonderful gift! (didn't mean to rhyme)

jack sender said...

I never resist the future, and I like technological advances.

Been reading with the Kindle and loving it. I'm reading two books this weekend. There is less to carry around and never have to put the thing down to change from one book to the other. I have three other books in it already and they'll be ready when I am.

I only have to keep track of the Kindle instead of a lot of books lying around.

M. already made a case for it that hangs around my neck. Before I had to carry a bag with several books in it. I'd take them out, put them down, put them in the bag, etc.

The Kindle, for me, is better than I would have expected. The books download in a minute, and three of the five cost nothing.

Annie said...

I suppose, eventually, I may get a kindle or the like; but being a librarian, I worry about the demise of the printed book, and my favorite way to read is to hold a physical volume, feel the texture of the paper, and turn the pages.