Friday, August 03, 2012

of time

what is time, the time, anytime?
a second is not a heartbeat or a blink
for elephants, people, whales  nor  canaries.

suppose seconds were made too quick or slow,
then we really never know
what time it is.

days and nights you can bet on,
you see it light or dark;
but right about the time, are we?

how can seconds tick the same
when winter days are shorter
and summer days are longer.

yet different at the poles, you know,
depending on the time of year.
(there is time again, the walking shadow)

the world  not perfectly round in shape or orbit, spinning, leaning.
as much as we depend on them
clocks are overvalued and  underdeveloped.

when this world agrees on little,
who declares what is an hour; how many in a day,
a month, in a year?

and everyone shaking heads in agreement?
convenient, for sure, but is it true?
while baseball is something you can depend on,

of that there is no doubt,
no matter how quick or slowly it goes -
three strikes and you’re out.

1 comment:

Grace said...

It would be nice to go back to a "time" when our days were measured by light and substance, and not some arbitrary count. For me, baseball always "slows" time!